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Yoobs da king

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Posts posted by Yoobs da king

  1. I dont know you that well but when i had my account safe i run, i do remember seeing you so   will vouch for your vet. This rule where you have to be active on forums to get the ranks but that makes no sense last i checked there Veteran ranks not forums activity ranks all the ranks show is you have played for X amount of years him being inactive on forums should not disqualify him from getting his rank.

  2. Tupac you completely took it out of context. Im not saying there bad staff members for missing one person in need of help i understand all the things you guys do in pms i understand that i was simply stating that staff members should not have the mind set of someone else will deal with it just because multiple staff are online because if at that moment all staff online say eh other staff will handle  it then someone goes with no help thats  what i was getting at. Trust me there has never been a staff member i hated i only dislike the way they do things.

    And i was not saying that all staff members fail to accept the requests Nyzic im just putting out that staff have failed to accept these requests after requesting for over 10 mins i publicly made this topic so those staff members could read it and learn from it were human we all make mistakes and we do learn from them.

    And the afking i did not state staff are doing ::afk to trick players into thinking their afk so they can spend time in pms with friends i stated that this could happen which is why i gave the idea of staff logging out when they need to afk this way players dont look at staff list and see someone online and get their hopes up about getting help to latter find out said staff member was afk. A simple yell hey guys ill brb need to do something then log out



    People are going to think i'm just trying to start more shit but believe what you wish.


    Few days ago I was requesting assistance for 10 mins straight with multiple staff members on and no one accepted it. After 10 mins Ban152 accepted it, he said he was afk reason he did not accept it.

    If it had been a real emergency and I was not testing to see if staff members acctually accepted them then I would be shit outta luck. Ban said he was afk (don't get me wrong I dont hate the guy i'm just stating issues that that need to be put in place) reason he did not accept it. Staff members should yell saying they will be back don't give a time of how long you will be gone if you have something to do because players roast ur timing just ask Salad he knows. But Local, why dont they just use ::afk to signify their afk? Mainly because ::afk command will turn into an excuse eventually. 

    You can send pm's when your ::afk so staff team could easily do ::afk to take break from helping to chill with mates in pms for awhile which I hope no staff is doing this atm... Jblind and Dario were online when I was requesting assistance for 10 mins, and Jblind I'm not the player thats going to stay quiet while people fuck up so dont try to intimidate me with bans and shit and make that piss poor old excuse "staff disrespect" it's an opinion and last I checked opinions were not staff disrespect so dont pipe up... You were online and actively chatting in yell Jblind as I made requests for assistance. I dont hate you but dont make excuses for your failure to check who needs assistance.


    Another concern Killbob your a great guy consider you a friend but this needs to be addressed. Someone requested help awhile ago you were chilling with Mike and I and some others and you said the other staff member probably has it under control. This concerned me because the staff member you mentioned what he had been afk then a player might go with no help even when theres multiple staff members online please dont create the mindset someone else will get it simillar to if someone chokes in a dinner with 30 people around and passes out and you dont call 911 because you think someone else in the dinner would call and if no one does then someone dies. Please not just to you Killbob but to all staff members put others needs before yourself. Players are making non flame cc's to reduce the toxicity of the server and if we truly want the toxicity gone then we need to start with the staff team. 

    Also I see staff members say and call players cancer, retards, and other names this definately contributes to the toxicity as you create a realm in which players think "Hey, the staff team can call others these phrases? I guess I can too."

    New promotions/demotions need to be taken into consideration soon Gretar some staff members are not that active and mainly afk when they are online.

    I'm not making this topic to hate on you guys i'm making it to give awareness to the rest of the staff team kind of same reason as why reports are public after they are viewed by staff so players can check reports section and see various things that will get you punished. It spreads awareness to others.

    • Upvote 1
  4. Now I wish I did not clean myself. :c

    "That's all I have for now, please leave feedback and your own ideas would be great aswell, keep in mind these are only suggestions, I don't know if Gretar agrees with all so these suggestions are not promises."


  5. I'm irrelevant at this point but he probably might of been serious about releasing a beta client publicly who knows he would have to tell us that night he said beta client will be released in 20 mins on forums, maybe he was serious but you also have to understand as a developer you look closely at the game always looking for errors so maybe he saw one that could crash it or a bug that would be abused or w.e so he stopped the release to try and resolve the issue. I do believe you should never make a release date and just release it when you think it is good and once it is released then and only then tell players it is released.

    Once again idk if he was just joking with release dates of beta client etc but if he was being serious that's probably the reason why it did not come.

  6. First of all can staff lock this topic after it's made? Don't want to give randoms the opportunity to say weird shit here.

    I am Local Arab, Safe I Run, Qrow, Slo mo man and many others I have given my account Local arab out so do not trust it if ur messaged from it. Not like anyone trusted me to begin with afraid i'd give them a bagel with a timer in it and shit. Also i'm not Arabic/Muslim i'm English I don't threaten to blow shit up to hate on the religion not all Muslims are like that I did it for shits and giggles ye? 


    Tired of staff delays a beta client was promised in 20 mins 3 days latter we got fuck all - Note: I'm not saying the staff team is doing this shit on purpose Salad or someone probably found bug or some shit before he was going to release beta publicly on forums. I'm just saying please don't tell us ur gana release the bloody client or other promises that have been made in the past if you cant keep such promise. 

    Also I do tell everyone i'm going to blow everyones crib up but nah I don't really hate anyone on this server tbh I just despise people for the wrongs they choose to make for example I don't hate yoobs even though he banned me wrongfully thousands of times and Gretar made it so he could no longer ban me as he stated via email I mean he's human we all make mistakes we learn and grow as time proceeds I don't hate him just frown upon his mistakes. a lot has changed in this server and a lot still has yet been dealt with - AGS: Same stats as when SPAWNABLE same accuracy same old shit and it costs 4K? like fuck DWH hits more accurate and it's only 2k - 3k atm boost that fucking accuracy a bit. GMAUL: 700 - 800 pkt still same stats as when SPAWNABLE still sucks ass. Void still sucks ass. I could go on and on.

    New client coming once it's released please Salad work on these small issues please for the love of god. I'll visit from time to time on Qrow or slo mo man or some random acc i just made for amusement but from here on i'm off for awhile, moving on to god knows what. 


    Dear staff team, 

    Last I checked use of the word "NIGGER" was an insta mute back in the days so idk why none of you are doing shit about it I'm not black I don't take offence to people calling me it but others might. ALSO as a staff member you are looked up to as a role model to help with the players needs staff members should refrain from using words like nigger, cancer, etc towards players because that does not fix the toxicity one fucking bit. Also staff members should not be allowed to be involved in clans not like small clans that go on pk trips from time to time I mean clans like Varrock kings with Popbob back in the day or Lavish, legends, rot and w.e random clan that was made by an EGO that actively pk daily because clans that pk daily usually end up having beef with other clans which is why Yoobs for ex(Yes i know im using yoobs as ex a lot mainly because he fits the role) went corrupt he got involved in clans with Dr4g0n and Taylor which then lead to oh idk the day Dr4g0n flamed me for 3 hrs straight and then I flame back aka (Flame baiting) but I was the only one to get punishment and I sent and screen shot of getting pm from dr4g0n to gretar/legend via email of him saying enjoy the mute im not muted during the same time period as this you needed 10 min video of someone attacking you at edge wildy to consider it as ragging but when I attack yoobs on his alt account he instantly asks me if i want ban and he logs into his admin acc and threatens me and I attacked his alt once. Staff would rather have me shut up about this but gretar himself and maybe legend idk are too afraid to even admit to it that ive been emailing them evidence upon evidence about him abusing and they did jack shit they gave me immunity to him and thats it and for what reason? Yoobs was helping the server they say L0L0LL0LL0L Yoobs is helping server yes but dropping player count by abusing what about the times he tped tto his mates in wildy to help get kills etc or save his mates from dying by tping them out. Funny he leaves vets start coming back Ur the owner Gretar and you only showed me one thing Your paki ass aint got the balls to stand to his own staff team. Might as well put Legend as owner ik he would act.

    Anyhow staff team #1 priority = PLAYERS your needs = #2... 

    One hell of a leaving topic enjoy.


  7. Note: Playtime is from the last 30 days.

    N/A - Shouldnt Salad be here? Salad has been doing great work on the new client so I have that to say about him.

    img%22Global Admin(s)


    Smackd - Playtime: 90 Hours (+49 Hours AFK)

    Been awhile since I have seen you probably because I'm not on at same times i'm usually on at but you do your best to assist anyone online that needs it. Also doing a great job with keeping up with the reports.

    img%22Global Moderator(s)

    img%22Forum Administrator(s)


    Forums looks nice no random BS content in any of the wrong sections so you and Tupac are doing a great job keep it up.

    img%22Forum Moderator(s)

    img%22Player Moderator(s)
    Jblind - Playtime: 93 Hours (+27 Hours AFK)

    Once again doing a great job staying up to date with reports etc along with smackd and contributing to helping players both in game and on forums via shoutbox your doing great keep up the good work.

    img%22Server Support

    Nyzic - Playtime: 8 Hours (+3 Hours AFK)

    Killbob - Playtime: 95 Hours (+18 Hours AFK)

    Take large strides to go out of ur way to help players in yell with prices or general questions probably the most active staff member in Roatpkz atm keep up the good work.

    Ban152 - Playtime: 63 Hours (+24 Hours AFK)

    I don't see you on much anymore :| could be due to timezones idk tbh but I dont have enough information to leave honest feedback for this month on you.

    Dario614 - Playtime: 77 Hours (+17 Hours AFK)

    I see you on a lot and you enjoy talking with the other players and do everything you can to help players ti the best of your abilities.

    Suor - Playtime: 28 Hours (+5 Hours AFK)

    I don't see you on much Suor so I don't have enough information to leave accurate feedback on your performances in game. 



    Staff suggestions:

    Get Salad his rank he dying ingame without it people threatening to throw ranch dressin on him he needs his authority emblem.

    • Upvote 3
  8. if i'm correct no matter your ranking in game you have the same amount of bank space. I'm not asking for Bank Tabs idk if those are coming with client or not, but right now there is only one tab for all your items I do believe Donators should be an additional 15 Lines of bank space regulars would keep same as right now and Supers might get 25 additional lines of bank space with all my of "supplies" I no longer have any more space for items in my bank and cba cleaning out years of items from my bank. 

    • Upvote 1
  9. Last time I applied I was told I was not active enough :/ So I am now very active on this account on forums plus I don't have any other acc.

    IGN: Local Arab aka Safe I Run

    time played: since 2011 but I mainly started playing in 2013 so I would only be eligible for the 3 year rank since there is no 4 yr rank.

    Who could Vouch for my time? Robes, Killbob, Yoobs, Legend/Gretar(Emailed them about being abused these past 3 years) Ungrateful, Craig/Taylor/Why GG(Flamed them daily back then lul) Ahmash, Kisulora v2.


    Also may I apply for my forums donor rank here also?:P

  10. Only problem with easts though is people can join teleport in and out and in reality there is no true winner. With clan wars purple portal it would be so you have to kill a certain amount of people for example first team to get 10, 20, 25 kills etc... But keep the spawn system the same as clan wars you die it puts you in clan wars lobby this way you can use bank re gear join back in continue helping your clan fight. 


    Having many years of Purple portal clan fighting experience I'd suggest doing what they did in RS also add a ranking system which purp port is now known as rated clan wars in RS but if your friends chat wins a match your FC rating goes up and you should have leaderboards this way clans can officially say they are the #1 Clan if there at top of the leaderboards rather than having yell being filled up with Lavish #1 Or seeing #Legends come join us herp derp were random come join us pl0x we lonely.  


    Thats the reason no one goes easts anymore you get these try hard clannie Bois that fight for 1 minute then they say fuck dis shit don't wanna look embarrassing on forums and they teleport away. And with people teleporting out now true winner can be picked so hash tagging ur clan in yell while saying it's the #1 clan in reality that's a statement based on pure ignorance.

  11. 36 minutes ago, Killbob said:

    Would like to see the clanwars spot in 20 wild added into roat

    Yup those were the good days. Having clan wars out there would bring in an OS feeling tbh get rid of Funpk add white portal to clan wars don't add red portal that would ruin meth and then just add purple portal only clan leader can challenge another clan leader those in clan can join portal etc. But please use real clan wars maps and such.

    • Upvote 1
  12. Don't allow players to post kill pics or videos with their names covered unless they cover up the name of the person they killed because it's embarrassing kids on this server have to hide because no one has balls enough to show their alts.

    If someone posts pic of vid of a kill and hides their name and shows the person they killed then personally the post should be deleted.

  13. Remove Teleblock: Because teams don't have balls/skill enough to get a kill without it.

    Make it not allowed for teams to DD on eachother when fighting someone, and then swapping from person to person taking turns speccing the person because it's absolute aids and people wonder why mages don't PK anymore in wildy especially when they risk shut because Teams now a days have no balls to get kills on their own. Teams help each other because team mates know their team mates can't carry out a solo kill so they work as one and kill wildy...

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