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About augs

Roat Pkz Information

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Happy to be apart of the team
  2. o What is the main priority when in a war or fighting another clan? [ Proper call outs, organization, focusing what you are told to focus, proper communication ] o What is your current RoatPkz Display Name? [ Gp for Rng] o Do you plan on joining RoadRage? [ Yes ] o What are your previous clans? [ Guerilla Warfare 25 buttholes] o What is your Discord userid?: reddit#4436 o What's your KDR? [ .53 ] o Any experience in multi clan PKing? If so tell us a bit about it. [Yes, in osrs, the previous clan I was in we actively ran 50s 44s gdz revs etc. We actively pked out in deep multi pking areas, fighting different clans, active clan wars etc.] o Age? & Name. The name is not mandatory. We are all about privacy. [ 19. Auggie ] o How active are you? [ I play roughly 4-5 hours daily, if school and work arent too much in the way. 2.5-4 hours if school / work are in the way ] o What's your current bank value? Not mandatory. [ 3.2k] o What role would you like to play as? Example: TBer, Range Tank etc o When did you start PKing/Multi PKing? [ Freezing, TB, tank, range tank]
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