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Achievement Suggestion.

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Achievement Reward Suggestions/ Tweaks

These achievements go down in ranking of Importance to me, so the lower you go, the less important they are. 



Disable the achievement notification from the top of the screen when in wilderness, I don't think anybody really wants that. Or at least disable the interface from appearing when in combat.

Adding an achievement for receiving X amount of keys, (Bronze All the way to Platinum

At certain High level mile-stones, for example, let's use the 100M Lottery Achievement.  A 52,000 PKP for putting in 100M is silly. and It's not just the Lottery. Adding certain exclusive rewards to high-level milestones is the type of reward that may motivate a player to complete it. Exclusive rewards such as, but not limited to: Titles, Certain Fun-items (Event), and exclusive pets, or maybe even a temporary yell-tag. 

A lot of the rewards don't pertain to the achievement involved, for instance, killing 1,600 Pures gives you 6,840 PKP and 6 Armadyl Sets? While they do carry value, it just doesn't seem right to the eye. 

The Obtain a pet achievement should already be auto-unlocked, as a player with multiple pets, it seems unfair, especially if somebody already killed the easier bosses for pets.


Thank you for taking my suggestions into consideration, I'm very grateful that you've taken the time out of your day to read this.


Have a blessed day. :)





Edited by Lowrider
Grammatical Errors.
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