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dont remember setting a account pin


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Hello its been several months since I have played and now I'm trying to hop back on and I cant so some help would be awesome I'm using the original ip I created the account with and that ive made all my donations with, so some assistance in getting my account back would be awesome. Thanks




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Lol i did exactly what it says in the guide to recover the account so you can take your irrelevant self to someone else's thread or is it the fact your so incredibly lonely that posting on shit that has nothing to do with you is the highlight of your day cause in reality your scared of the sun and live in a closet .. and i didn't set an email, apparently someone else got access to my account within the past few months and were able to set a email which shouldnt have been do able saying how i donated several times using my email etc but clearly that doesnt matter and i aint gonna get helped now cause some fairy has too put is idiotic two sense into the picture... if i didn't set a pin then i never set my email i thought that was pretty self explanatory... and btw someones ip is not hard to get i can get yours in the matter of seconds so know your shit before you speak.

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