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Everything posted by Headchefforum

  1. would be chill so you don't need to drop brews when looting a kill haha..
  2. another example of a guy skipping right before dying. fucking pathetic this works while in combat
  3. Here have a bump post reminder that this does still happen on a daily basis on numerous ocassions. The only persons who don't do it are those who don't know how to or those who aren't assholes. So that leaves 90% of the server who does skip, either when freezing and standing under or simply when bolting you because it's easy as fuck to do while in combat. If there was a simple measurement put in place that you cannot skip your target if you have been in combat with him in the last 25 seconds that would resolve this entirely as it surpasses the length of a barrage freeze. And there's no real reason not to do it because those not into bounty hunter can opt out of it entirely. The reason you don't hear much about this is a combination of people not bothering to make a suggestion, most bounty hunter pking happening in edgeville and lack of trust it will get fixed once adressed here. Hopefully prove that last part wrong.
  4. even better I would like to have it unlimited for everyone however the server tends to like to give these things upon donator steps same with target skips etc so thought this would fit. Your example is like yeah sure but it's still little.
  5. 5 daily this indeed! people who use alts still have advantage because they don't waste inventory spots on it so yeah it would help if those who want to consistently use the spellbook switching would be able to rather than this arbitrary limitation and forcing alts to be used.
  6. Why even post then. Your first post was irrelevant to what was stated idk wtf you're on about but never seen shit like everyone always able to skip easily
  7. This makes no sense. Yeah it is common, it's usually filthy pvmer dogs who mock you when they're nearly out and then skip.
  8. think many people angler to 121 then take a food and go in so it would save many people time upon every class load which adds up..
  9. currently people bring a second account and just tb from there while keeping barrage... this would just make it fair to those who do not multi log
  10. Increase the amount of magic cape switches significantly, preferably like 10 regular, 25 for donator, 50 for super, 75 extreme, 150 legendary alternatively make it unlimited entirely because the person doing this will still be spending lots of his inventory to do so and otherwise people literally use other accounts which they also control which is even more unfair due to inventory limitations.
  11. Do not allow skipping of target if you have been in combat with that target in past 20 seconds because it's lame when people fight until nearly out and then skip before dying in their spawn gear simply because they don't want to give you the tier upgrade. I find it comparable to attempting to drop/destroy valued items upon facing death so no reason not to. Especially since people can opt out of bh.
  12. I would like a toggle which replaces anglerfish that I've eaten while in a safezone from the bank. Over time saves many clicks
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