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Everything posted by appleate

  1. Not sure about clans recruitment , yet id be looking forward to meeting you in-game , hope we get along in the upcoming months or even years GL mate.
  2. Thanks everyone for giving your suggestions much appreciated - RoatPkz mates
  3. appleate


    I agree with Yoobs in this situation.
  4. Hey awesome mates of RoatPkz its come to my attention over the past few days I've been playing RoatPkz i have seen people complaining about exchanging vote points into vote tickets but here is just a few in-game updates, i would personally like to see happen. 1:Make an npc which checks your vote points and then if you would like to swap it for vote tickets. 2:Please make ags and all pvp gear spawnable again missing the good old days. 3:Add dicing in the game. -Ps only positive comments thank you . Thanks for reading it everyone please reply with your perspective haha.
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