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PK Guy

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Posts posted by PK Guy

  1. 18 minutes ago, pk ahmad said:

    Nope there's absolutely no reason to deter us from spawning noted rocktails, you're just playing a game run by jokers. Typing ::food everytime is annoying instead of getting all your rocktails in 2 clicks when you're already at bank. Also was ::food added recently just because they are too lazy to fix 15273 or has it always been around so they don't care??? HOW HARD is coding noted rocktails???? 

    How hard is it to click the food button in the pre-made spawn tab?

    • Upvote 2
  2. 2 hours ago, spartacus666 said:


    Scamming on a live stream and then leaving the video online to be able to watch later would be like robbing a bank and filming it with your phone and then uploading it to youtube. Why? Because you'd have to be a complete moron to document your crimes.

    Not one person reported me for scamming so far but I understand your concern, the temptation to steal 250 pkp is just too great!!! Even if eventually there is a dodgy host who scams, maul said he will refund and I would also back that promise.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Graphics said:

    so you suggesting to make the game 100% pay2win

    Depends how you define "pay2win" I guess, for me "winning" is beating someone in Pk not showing off how many Pkp or items you have. Like if you got only 1 ags or 100 it doesn't really matter - you can only equip one... (I'm talking about pking not staking/risking here). So in this context, the only way donating can be pay2win is if you buy donator rank and then just prod rapier or cmaul all the time. Basically, being really wealthy doesn't make you a better or more skillful pker, sometimes you can lose with better gear (ask Dharokers lol).

    Since everyone can get Pkp, just would take a lot longer if you can't donate for them, doesn't mean pay2win, it's just speeding up progress - otherwise you could argue RuneScape is  a pay2win game because I can just buy RSGP and then head to GE and buy maxed gear, right? Granted it's not within the rules, but it happens and can't be stopped (without severe trade restrictions).

    You can already indirectly buy Pkp anyway, just donate for exact items (instead of random packs) like AGS and then sell to players - AGS currently costs $14.45 and is worth 4k Pkp street price so this gives us a rate of $3.6125/1k Pkp, or £0.0036125/Pkp. He could easily just sell Pkp without the hassle of having to sell on items, at $3.50-$3.60 per 1k Pkp.

    If your argument is this suggestion will make the game "100%" pay2win, then I've got to ask the question, what percentage is it currently pay2win, like 80%???? Can pay2win even be expressed as a percentag? Well, not when it seems to be a close-ended statement (exclusive disjunction) - either the game is pay2win (100%) or it's not pay2win (0%). This state wouldn't change whether or not the Pkp sales are added to donator store because as I explained above they already sort of are. 

    I have too much time on my hands!

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  4. I know streaming RSPS isn't allowed on twitch, because they are illegal. Pretty sure Youtube has the same rule but they don't enforce it unless Jagex make a complaint. 

    Anyway what's the worst that can happen?  I get banned from twitch and make a new account or join a new streaming site. 

    • Upvote 1
  5. Sounds great, I want to apply for host.

    Have you played longer than 6 month? (requirement and proof needed) : yes, check my highscores got 9k kills recently, plus on old forum I was a veteran rank, and I've been donator since 2012 (Gretar can verify?)

    username? ( Must be donar for ::yelling purposes sorry) : Pk Guy (that's me!)

    bank must be 100,000pkp and above ( ingame proof or picture needed) : Just bought divine recently thats why look a bit poor, sold alot to get it, but I'm sure its 100k+ in items.. i.gyazo.com/98315f5f3f207518cbdd793aaacb1fe8.png

    what recording device will you be using? (requirement) Hypercam, also I have new twitch acc for live streams (check my sig lol)

    why do you support this? (requirement also) It will be fun for the players, and another chance to win items. Also I really like the idea and I have the capacity to do this because I have a decent mix of some high value items and low value items, plus I'm a regular donator - I'm buying packs now and then to top up my bank so even if kids get really lucky and win stuff I won't drop out of this game. And I'm very active, almost daily so yeah pick me, I can be trusted to host as well because I don't need to scam lol

    • Upvote 1
  6. I like the keybind idea, (even though I don't "F-Key") but if I could change them to something else then it would be a lot better. I've used AHK scripts with some success before (eg www.youtube.com/watch?v=izrX0pHO4B8 ) but I agree it could be handled in-game much tidier. Support

    I really don't see the appeal of the full stats page, IDK what you mean "satisfaction of seeing all the 99" because how can you be satisfied with something you didn't accomplish? Sure, in RS (or eco servers) you can feel proud to look at your stats but on here they would be purely decorative and waste of space. It would reduce the click area of the combat skills which I don't like. That being said, you're right, the current tab does look ugly as fuck (static-cdn.jtvnw.net/jtv_user_pictures/panel-91887698-image-bb31f7f3511b4a63-320.jpeg). It can just be remade to fit into the RS theme, eg. i.gyazo.com/880133e85b1f6a2c680e118aba86d2eb.png (borrowed from another server)


    Third suggestion, again I don't really agree with this. You said "recognised for what we have done for the server", I hope you do realise that donator is a rank obtainable by anyone - even if they didn't donate really money because you can purchase donator tickets. This is good, but it also means there are so many donators that the $ icon you see in most other servers would just be a pain on here. It would be virtually every line of the chatbox. Would probably cause more lag having to load stupid little images next to so many names. I believe the recognition we have is enough, with the $ in the right-click menu on our names, special area, spec restore, exclusive items, yell, ::bank. If we needed more it shouldn't be this idea. Something else maybe

    • Upvote 1
  7. 7 minutes ago, Xbrzh said:

    rofl idk if you are being a troll or not. gretar is doing nothing for the server apart from these small updates, the combat has been broken for years but since gretar is still making money he sees no need to fix it.

    Firstly, I'm not trolling at all, I'm trying to have a serious dialogue with you guys, the funny sections are further down the forums I believe. 

    Secondly, your comments re: Gretar, I think that's unfair. Especially within the last year or so, he has been more active than he used to be in years gone by. With the return of OSRS, people are remembering RS again, and by extension oldschool RSPS too, it makes sense to go with the flow. He is taking on feedback and trying to slowly claw his way back to bringing the server up to the standard you guys have come to expect. You're overlooking this:

    10th Jan: New mage formula, ranged strength added, corrected timing for range/mage hits, full combat system re-write

    Not to mention giving brids their own place, adding in new OSRS items for them, and constantly doing little 'tweaks' to improve your experience and lots more. IDK if it's possible to make everyone happy, but I'm not a killjoy, I would play the server regardless of how the combat system is so if you're wanting more done to it then I'm not against it. All I stated was it wasn't broken (for me) and you guys think I'm either flaming or trolling. 

    • Upvote 1
  8. 1 minute ago, Kevin said:

    With a combat system like this on a PKING server it might aswell close.

    Kevin, do you personally dislike the combat system so much? Or are you jumping on the bandwagon just to fit in with the 'cool' crowd? Idk everyone in Meridian (or the other brids), I don't really keep that much tabs on players and people change accounts/names so much I have no idea who is who anymore. Anyway, the point I'm trying to get to is that you are a veteran on this server, has the combat system always been really bad or was it some recent update that ruined it for you? And despite this "bad combat", the server still has a good player active player base so obviously it shouldn't close. I've tried other RSPS and never found one I enjoy as much as this.

    Can you, and anyone else who hates this server/combat/owner so much tell me why you still play this server if it's so terrible? Is there no better alternative? Because all you guys do is complain complain complain when you could just be grateful for what we have, surely the good times outweigh the bad! :)

    • Upvote 1
  9. 59 minutes ago, Kevin said:

    People like you who donate rediculous amounts of irl money for a pixel hat make him do nothing on the shit that actually matters.

    What.. you mean people like me who ensure this server stays online for years like it has? I've seen so many servers over the years fail to gain a decent player base, which usually crash and burn in LESS than a year- seriously look up RSPS server adverts from a year ago and do the math, over 90% are no longer online. Donators make sure not only are server/website costs covered but enough change left over to give G some income so he doesn't have to work overtime in a shitty job scrubbing someones toilet somewhere! 

    Face it, we're are not stopping him from fixing shit YOU care about, if anything we're giving him the opportunity to do it. He doesn't have to worry about paying the bills, so he has more time to work on the server, is that not logical? Heck he should get EVEN MORE donations and then RE-INVEST this income on some experienced developers who can improve the current server and then add lots more cool shit. I have lots of suggestions swimming in my mind for this game and one day I will probably post them.


    56 minutes ago, Why Gg said:


    Ironically, also irrelevant... If you really must post at least say something worthwhile instead of being a hypocritical douche. :S

    • Upvote 1
  10. The game isn't broken, the issue you're facing in the video is that protection prayers are not instantly activated (despite visual head icons appearing) so that hit leaked through without damage reduction. The most common cases of this situation is high hitting AGS through melee protection -- because it was activated too late. The current prayer system is not really viable for NH fights, I'd agree with that... then again I never liked NH so doesn't bother me. I want a custom so yeh.. donating lel (btw no idea how I got S.donator rank on forum, I never requested it or revealed my username/email on this forum!)

    • Upvote 1
  11. 11 hours ago, Obby Pls said:

    why are u still replying to my posts? Fk off 

    Because I'm bored and you're a moron, seriously easy to enrage you.

    On topic:


    Gretar, I'm selling this code for custom, please give to me. Meet at ::westparty, bring a few of them so I can choose, ty! :S

    • Upvote 1
  12. 6zYeJG1.jpg

    Of all TIME!!!!!!!!!!

    And here's the kicker: I 100% agree!!!!!!


    Well of course I do, I made the above thingymabob so yeh my point is I tested OSRS combat and PERSONALLY I found it shit (opinion not fact, learn the difference), idc if its the original shit, the keyword is "shit". I prefer this server, I just wanted to make this because I see people all over the forums and game blabbing on about how they think the combat system is shit compared to RS or other RSPS (go play them instead then idiot). Well as you know (or may not know, whatever) I don't melee-mage hybrid at all so that specific part I can't comment however I've used all three combat styles and for me they are great, maybe not perfect but as close as. Instead of pointing out that it's bad, it would be great if people can make a bullet list of everything that they perceive to be incorrect. Stuff like "spec on robes fails" doesn't count because hitsplats are purely random, I agree enemy defence should be taken into account (and it definitely is this way) but sometimes you get a bad spec, deal with it. I've ags spec'd a 0 on 1 defence kids, IT CAN HAPPEN. Besides, using poor combat as an excuse for defeat is stupid, since the combat system is identical for all players so it effects everyone equally. Peace out niggas

    • Upvote 1
  13. 10 hours ago, Obby Pls said:

    if just gretar let me lol 

    He's not stopping you? Just post the code here, you don't need access to his source for this. He might have to change some variables but nothing more, since it's just java code. Here's a hint: this server is based off OverloadX (PI). GL dude, this is your opportunity to shine 

    • Upvote 1
  14. Oh sorry didn't realise you play this crap literally 24/7 without a few seconds break from the computer...

    Anyway I'm done with this, IDK why I'm even commenting to you babies, keep begging for your decanter, I got like 1k++++ pots banked and I'm pretty sure I'll have enough PKP to buy more when they run out. Nevermind anything else, fucking most important suggestion right here, decant my ass,  lazy POS


    @Zoradz: the rules state any software which gives unfair advantage over players is not allowed, using it for mixing potions is not unfair advantage against other players since it doesn't affect them. Even then it's undetectable so yeh

    • Upvote 1
  15. 8 minutes ago, Obby Pls said:

    why would i spend 4-5 pkp every time i run out? when i can just just talk to a man and note my potions back to (4) ? stop thinking ur smart.


    think before u reply.

    What? That doesn't make any sense, it's like you didn't even read what I wrote. Let me sum it up for you, an autoclicker can mix your 1,2,3 dose potions back into 4 dose for you, by the time you get back from your next chemo session it will be done and you're ready to PK again............. autoclicker currently costs: 0 pkp.

    • Upvote 1
  16. 2 hours ago, Obby Pls said:

    Fix so we can have a guy to talk to that can note all our potions to (4) 


    u get fast lazy to right click-use and then click on another potion lol pls :D:D:D

    Just use an autoclicker, save the lil' recording after you done it once yourself and just run that script each time you need to decant, put it on 10x speed or whatev... simple shit, such retards asking for decanter always. The only potion it affects is combat, and possible anti-venom+, as for the rest of them, just fucking spawn a billion of the (4) and why would you bother saving 1,2,3 dose.  facepalm.gif

    • Upvote 1
  17. On 2/22/2016 at 11:39 PM, Black And Homo said:

    shit clipping

    Not a clipping issue....

    Scammer has two similar named accounts: let's call them scammer010101 (a) and scammer01010 (b), right so account (a) stands next to a player near Oziach's house and says tells them, "I'll buy your phats and bullshit from you." BUT he right-click trades them from account (b) which is standing otherside of the cliff near the monastery. So when the player clicks on that purple "...wishes to trade with you" message in the chatbox instead of trading the one next to them they end up trading the other guy and running through the wilderness to get to him. Once they've entered the wild... well the rest is obvious... 

    Anyway my point is if it was a clipping issue then you would just literally run straight up the cliff face to get to the other guy and not get scammed. Easiest way to avoid this scam is to just trade in the bank or a safe location (such as chill, party, etc etc) and always right-click the person you want to trade. This scam is sort of similar to someone trading you then running into wilderness to lure you, which is common but that's not a scam because the person makes it obvious that they trying to get you to enter wild

    • Upvote 1
  18. On 2/17/2016 at 6:11 PM, Xbrzh said:

    trust me what I say is right I just dunno how to explain it clearly.

    i go to ags someone who is 60 hp, if I'm going to hit 60 with my spec and they don't eat before my spec animation starts they wont be able to eat they will just die, or even if wasn't speccing and it was just a normal hit.

    Nope you're wrong. Because your theory doesn't explain why the brew registered but not the rocktail. From the video - he starts at 100hp, gets hit 73 to go down to 27 hp, clicks rock and brew and ends up at 41 hp!!! Why did the brew heal him but not the rocktail? This "eating" bug has been around for years, that's why so many people say "i ate" when they die. It happens hundreds of times a day (there is video/ss proof everywhere) so you can't deny it. Gretar just doesn't care or, more likely doesn't know how to fix it.

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