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Posts posted by Ali

  1. Just now, she rags said:

    they never closed us lmfao, you talk like you know tings. now go back to ur cave random

    Your clan is called "shadowhunters" but you're the shadows lmfao

    they closed u, they put light on u and boom u gone, that's how u get rid of a bunch of niggers

    u cant pkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk bilal stop thinking u can hahaha

    hop on osscape and fight me? :D

    any style, any time

  2. 2 hours ago, Yung Juvie said:

    So what i got out of this is that you're calling me an sh fanboy when you're literally doing the same thing im doing but with ph? Fix up on that "fanboy". Also you didn't even answer my rs statement, because still you're playing roatz and bragging n shit ON roatz, so what does rs have to do with it? if roatz is so shit and irrelevant to skill, then don't even post kill pics or anything brag worthy related to roatz, cuz it's irrelevant right? might as well just stop playing roatz all together, let alone make an entire clan ON ROATZ

    The difference is that I actually WAS in #PH? Whenever we teled to ::Easts they all logged. They closed #SH and #OTF.

    Plus, I did answer?

    It has alot to do with it? Because on Roat, I don't think anyone in #PH brids or nh's competitively against anybody in #sh because they don't have anything to worry about, four richest players are in #PH, I don't think 20k bothers them that much. Besides, if they can brag about how good they are and how "fast their switches are" hop on osrs and prove it? Reason I'm saying this is because Roat Pkz combat system is shit, yesterday (I was testing) I hit a 29 in FULL BANDOS using barrage, on someone in full ahrim's, except top (he had karil's top), btw it was twice.              (in a row)

    slim chance yh??????????


    Roat Pkz is nothing like OSSCAPE or OSRS, anyone in #PH would beat #SH or #OTF on OSRS without a problem. Not dickriding, but it's a fact? LMFAO. 

    And they're ruling clan pk'ing? they closed two clans in one day. 

  3. 14 hours ago, Yung Juvie said:

    Ali seems like an alt name, and there's more proof on ph getting slapped then any other, ph post pics on basically the same 1 or 2 people if anything.

    + Wtf does Rs have to do with Roatz? if roatz pking wasn't relevant ya'll wouldn't be beefing about who has the best ROATPKZ CLAN, basically stop using not having rs accs as an insult on roatz altogether 

    Ali is just my forum name, my other account was banned, but everyone knows who I am?

    Sh or whatever their dumb clan is called bring no risk, they all leave when #PH hit Easts, they post killpics of #Ph members dc'ing? and you actually think their good? LOL UR A MESS

    It has alot to do with it? Because on Roat, I don't think anyone in #PH brids or nh's competitively against anybody in #sh because they don't have anything to worry about, four richest players are in #PH, I don't think 20k bothers them that much. Besides, if they can brag about how good they are and how "fast their switches are" hop on osrs and prove it? Reason I'm saying this is because Roat Pkz combat system is shit, yesterday (I was testing) I hit a 29 in FULL BANDOS using barrage, on someone in full ahrim's, except top (he had karil's top), btw it was twice.              (in a row)

    slim chance yh??????????

    plus, on osrs the switches are different, I'm used to them so I don't have a problem fighting anybody of the clowns in #sh, but for someone who has never owned an rs acc, idk.

    and WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU TO QUOTE ME? fucking sh fanboy

    and they're not rly "beefing" lmfao #sh and #otf doesn't exist anymore, #PH closed them so idk what ur talking about

  4. 3 hours ago, Tribrid said:


    i made u quit 2times when i slapped u in pure nhing

    plus ALL the pics were taken 1-2 days before posting not old stop licking PH's ass lmfao how would u know theyre old

    Don't even know who you are. All of you randoms hide on alts lol 

    and I don't nh competetively on this shit game, hop on osscape or 07 and THEN talk

    p.s I was in ph the day Lee died, and when all these pics were taken?????

  5. Getting tired of this.

    Bilal, you know deep down that you're not better than anybody in #PH so stop making all these threads for attention

    posting shit old killpics AND the one where Lee dc'd

    Ur unknown. Roat pkz rag team lool

    every trip I went on -u guys stopped playing. Some stayed and got their asses whopped but I'm guessing They wasn't in ur Clan right? (Excuses)

    U've never  even had an RS acc dunno why ur acting as IF ur decent l,mfao

    accept run ins with Them u fucking little arab cunt

    (no i,m not in pH)

    p.s written fr.o.m. School iPad and the auto correct is fucking IT up for me (capitalized Words and shit"kr

  6. 3 hours ago, Graphics said:

    why do you choose to wear this on a spawn server

    it gives   22 range, helloz? not even d'hide chaps give that much

    + that exta 22 mage

    and no @fruity retard not gamebreaking but still, I cba fight zerks who were these (when I'm pure nhing) and get destroyed cuz of them legz...!!

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