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Posts posted by Pancakes

  1. 53 minutes ago, AhmedObaid said:

    A Pure NH who brids for the first time, will fail obviously

    other way around too

    and no, it's not like that at all. In brid, u can spec on tank, and on robes, and you can hit just as high, hits may just be less accurate when it comes to tank. In pure nh u use defensive overhead prayers, and in order to do lots of damage, you need to be quick enough to hit with what they're not protecting against. 

    Intensive eating, must be extremely quick to activate prayers etc. ur not a pure nh'er so what would u know l0l

    So basically instead of clicking only one single click for "defense help", like you do when you're NHing (f key , than one click to switch def prayer) instead with hybridding your "defense help" is your items. So a 6 way (or more). As well as using f keys and switching ur "defense help" constantly throughout the entire fight. and u have more brews so more sipping and thinking about where your stats are at. Fakies are more clicks not just 3 as with NHing. There's just a lot more to hybridding. And actually I pk all styles so wym?

  2. 7 minutes ago, AhmedObaid said:

    just love how everyone on this thread says pure nhing is easy and takes no skill LOL

    most of them being hybrids (Cringe)

    Hybridding actually involves more skill. I've seen MULTIPLE pure nhers come ::brid and when the fight starts they are completely clueless confused apes that fight like they've been awake for 3 weeks strung out on meth. I felt bad for them cause how awful of a fight they all put up lol. Any decent brid has no problem at all switching to NHing you literally have less switches and prayer switches are almost too easy so I don't see where the skill is at? Hm

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  3. 7 minutes ago, SmokeyMontana said:

    nice video man ignore telepathist lool sounds like a retard telling every1 hes been nhing for 7 years and he decides who is real nher and who isnt! keep it up mate 

    yh, thanks dude

    2 minutes ago, Telepathist said:

    actually no, gretar is fixing it :D

    doubt it though. but if i gotta pull the rusty scimitar out no worries here

  4. 2 minutes ago, Telepathist said:

    they are not real nhers they are new nhers ive been nhing for 7 years


    yes its better on here. wen it gets fixed ur style is broken. cant wait to see u use real pure gear

    if ur a real nher you better hop on the 2 brew movement it's what the pros use


    "cant wait to see u use real pure gear"... lol. wym all I would have to do is switch to a scim. that's easy. either way it's never gonna change anyways. ill always be able to whip people

  5. 1 minute ago, Telepathist said:

    and thats why ur not a real nher because you are using whip. moment d scim comes u wont be able to abuse the timing because ull be too slow for a d scim. yes any decent nher will use 1 brew. the fact u need like what 3 brews to try to last proves ur just an out last nher. doesnt matter to me ill beat u even if u have 9 brews point is u last 4 minutes instead of 30 secs

    lmao. honestly having issues with figuring out why you wouldn't use a whip. It's better.. not trying to downgrade to a d scim. + all the real nhers bring 2 brews now

  6. 1 minute ago, Telepathist said:

    Er whip gets def xp when its on the top right style in real games firstly so you should be getting def xp.  2 brews use them all you want but just comes down to trying to out last someone because you have more food.


    And if you dont 15% then you are not even a basic nher

    oh, cool. I don't get def exp on here though. and yeah I guess they help to outlast a little on some people, most people I've been fighting use brews as well though so it's even usually.

    and w/e you say man, didn't know that pking had such strict rules and guidelines.

  7. 7 minutes ago, Telepathist said:

    2 brews, whip and on top of that u dont 15% if anything this is a rag video



    what's wrong with 2 brews?

    what's wrong with whip? better then scim

    and yeah cba on the 15%'s really lol never feel like using them


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