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Posts posted by Mead

  1. 52 minutes ago, PK Guy said:

    Yeah I think 5 years is long for an RSPS though, not many have lasted as long so it has worked actually and continues to do so. I call that LONGEVITY and this:


    Your argument can be used against you. This server has no end game, it doesn't have a sense of completion such as RS where you can max all skills, complete all quests, unlock everything and call it a day (and even then people don't quit, but they do continually add more content too so yeah..) It's not about progress, I like PKing not for items, not for wealth, but for the action of PKing itself, the banter with others and just to get away from IRL for a couple hours. Not to grind for items 



  2. On 7/2/2017 at 6:14 PM, Tupac said:

    On the real, @Yoobs da king is correct.

    good suggestion but roatz has been this way since 2011, so there isn't really a point in changing it. Could perhaps be discussed for the new client but it's unlikely 

    garbage server

  3. 2 hours ago, i always run said:

    Introducing 2 cancerous players of the day and both from NBK lol, Chesters and Damiano a.k.a 1960. They both never get tired to trash talking lmao. So...ENJOY THE KILL PICS






    morrigans stat legs hahahahhee xherhrehedh:joy::joy:eeeeeeeeedhedddddddddheeeee:joy:eeeeexddd:joy:ddddxd:joy:xdxxxxx:joy::joy::joy::joy:dddddddddddddd3

  4. On 7/13/2017 at 10:40 PM, PK Guy said:

    (IDC if you hate me for stating my opinion)

    A lot of people asking for this don't even death match, you're all a bunch of tabbers. And if by some miracle you manage to get that KO, suddenly you're the world's best at clicking and you want decent loot for this, but if you die it's because the game is broken. Not everyone can have a 20+ KDR, in order for you to have that others must have a lower one and if it's <=1 then PKing will be a complete loss and won't be able to afford it.

    Edgeville is already dead, I notice it when I come on, it's not as packed as it once used to be. Using Smackd's proposed prices : Whip + D-boots + Fury = 950 PKP, at 8 PKP per kill that's 119 kills (60 kills on weekends) and I just think that's too much for a "spawn server", since those are the basic PKP items, who wants to PK in full Rune and D scimi on an RSPS??? How dies this set Rpkz apart from other PK servers? 

    Would need to add way more PKP per kill to make it work in my opinion otherwise it makes it very tough for new players (or poor players) to compete. Either that or introduce a way to accumulate PKP without risk. IDK how you would do that, if the currency was actual coins then something like thieving stalls would have worked. 


    On 7/13/2017 at 9:23 PM, Killbob said:

    More beggars incoming

    garbage server

  5. On 7/3/2017 at 9:07 PM, PK Guy said:

    Water cape is a sick item, even though it's custom it fits into the old RS ethos well IMO. And I'm not going to act like you pretentious cunts who refuse to use a perfectly good B-I-S item. Unlike you, I don't PK on RS, I don't come here to practise for it, I don't care about or notice every little damn thing that isn't like RS. I play to enjoy what is offered as is. Sure I suggest stuff occasionally, but I don't continuously moan over stupid shit and act like an unappreciative, self-entitled asshole who get's to play this for FREE but still demands more whilst calling this game a joke server. Even with things the way they are you won't quit so stop acting like you're anything special. Just another shit PK'er.

    Whose bright idea was it to make crystal shields, fury, boot, whips, godswords etc spawnable ? 

    All of those items have a superior non-spawnable version BTW.

    ethos uno wtf is this shit server maxresdefault.jpg

    ppl like this really making pk suggestions im dead af

  6. 1 hour ago, PK Guy said:

    Booooo go back to Fagex and their perfekt game, or better yet make your own RSPS. And I will join when you reach 200+ with 100% flawless combat. GL!

    Miss me with that Water Cape nonsense





    9 minutes ago, Yoobs said:

    The game was fully spawn at the start expect PVP armors that's why you tool and it's been polled just no-one wanted it because they cant PK without their BGS 

    lolll joke server

  7. 2 minutes ago, Sage fest said:

    Yeeeeeeeah dude slow your roll, we've had those spawnable since roatz opened, I'd legit rather not work for everything keep some shit easy to attain hence what is known as the allure of roatpkz. How would you expect new players to compete if said above wasn't spawnable? might as well call it first come first serve pkz. 

    There are a legit a lot of pking servers with said items for pkp or other forms of currency, not to mention better pking combat that are doing much worse than roatpkz. 


    (Also you double posted the same thread). 


  8. On 7/2/2017 at 6:07 PM, Yoobs da king said:

    One. You should ask Salad if hes doing this for new client and if not you should message him about how its suppose to be.


    And it probably wont be done at the clients release if it gets considered that is so you will have to be patient.

    Besides people have been using this cb system since 2011 why is it just now becoming a problem? Is it because your the new generation kinda pker thats only been exposed to brid nh rag etc and its all you know how to do and probably never done any main rune pking is that why the combat is suddenly a huge problem? Because this is all you guys  know how to do now a days.


    All these new fighting styles did is create beef amongst one another and you need quick switches to do these styles correctly which is reason people are suddenly caring about cb system.

    garbage server

  9. On 7/2/2017 at 5:51 PM, Bricklayer said:

    ttmOYKf9RaqP4ilFJecX6Q.png      KYS

    garbage server

    On 7/2/2017 at 5:41 PM, Bricklayer said:

    Lmao how do you even have the time to come up with some shit like this. This is a p-server go play oldschool for "Correct Ticks".

    garbage server

  10. On 7/2/2017 at 5:41 PM, Bricklayer said:

    Lmao how do you even have the time to come up with some shit like this. This is a p-server go play oldschool for "Correct Ticks".

    garbage server

    On 7/2/2017 at 5:43 PM, Tupac said:

    How many times will you make this thread?

    didnt ask 

    garbage server

  11. Just now, Bricklayer said:

    Lmao how do you even have the time to come up with some shit like this. This is a p-server go play oldschool for "Correct Ticks".

    Okay so how about we make Mage combat tick 2 more ticks longer? would be sick right?

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