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Everything posted by Happyaku

  1. holy fuck this has more views than my thread yet his vids are shit
  2. arent u the 12 year old who said add u on facebook and i couldnt take u seriously cus u sed im a pussy wen u look like a 12 year old version of justin bieber?
  3. keep being biased cant take u seriously if u think ppl who have unsmooth jumpy jaggered videos make better vids if u wanna watch kills with no skill go watch i mahatma i rushing vids
  4. Make sure to watch in HD otherwise will look jumpy I dont play this server because the combat is broken i just login now and then for a daily feast and thought id show u some smooth settings. All the other people have shit videos (Recording at 10 fps and unsmooth clips)@Dr4g0nb0ys0n @drawers @genj @SmokeyMontana How do some of these people even have youtube rank when they have bad videos The server has such slow combat that I have to slow down.
  5. you're ragged lol
  6. thats @Dr4g0nb0ys0n
  7. @Dr4g0nb0ys0n is this wat most fat estonians look like?
  8. imagine @Dr4g0nb0ys0n is pretending it wasnt him and getting members to say it was them lmfao. ye ye u aint fooling no one and why is OP trying to hide length of password as if hes not dumb like taylor x d? Password length is obviously 12 characters
  9. 55555555555L4054L50L not even 15%ing ur not even paying attention to ur prays my god ur shit
  10. on a broken server let that sink in you said it your self lol go run to gretar to be able to pk
  11. not like u have proof l0l. imagine having to tell gretar to add a command to be able to pk
  12. doesnt matter this server is forced to lose players due to that . Wonder how many people quit cus of the ragdefence being on
  13. what i should work on is fixing my rag script
  14. i know multipel servers which are better than this even top 500 on server top lists have better combat no surprise why a lot of bad hybrids and nhers play this because it requires less reaction time aka less skil
  15. Im 2 steps away the hit should appear at 1.8 seconds not 2.4. Lets do some math. 0.600 = 1 tick. 3 ticks = 1.8 secs? why is it 2.4? ? no wonder why on this server say other servers are bad because they got used toa game which doesnt have same timers as rs. they'll call you retarded for proving this combat system does not represent rs like most servers
  16. takes 1.8 secs after animation for hit to show. It should be 1.2 seconds The face i make when people tell me this combat system is better than most servers
  17. The new client is looking awesome! Im loving the login screen which beta tests have tested for us!
  18. Thats how it is on RS. Whats OP are PVP armors on a server which is trying to be like 07. Whats OP is dragon capes,earth capes,water capes. Oh and no they can go fun pk and instantly die within the span of 30 seconds.
  19. no thanks dont want to give my method away would rather see koelkasts do it then the other random teams on here. if it wont get patched ull see wat happens wen u tb us
  20. Yep, how angry will they be if they see 10 koelkast just teleout bypassing tb
  21. L0L. And what incentive is that? So you cant pretb yourself when you tele to gorillas? We all know you dont get super donator so u can pretb ur self so u try to use that as ur defence
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