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SmokeyMontana last won the day on August 11 2017

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About SmokeyMontana

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  1. 2018/08/21 opps getting deaded nothing new cripplednan alt: FUNNY BONUS: NAIL IN THE COFFIN: Keytracker/Leader dead for max 100% no tb glitch kills 100% no broken maul 100% shittin on niggas
  2. lmfao yo wtf are you listening 2
  3. why u tryna put on a show 4 forums u msged me on skype the second it happened den u stared sneak dissing smh
  4. dw if u was tryna beef wit mans u shoulda just said so but u got what u wanted
  5. u do know omar said lowe him as in allow him aka leave him alone but ok u super bugging out lmfao stop tryna push ur beef with sophia/arun on every1 elses plate
  6. u were asked 2 come in crystal bow btw and u agreed 2 it
  7. lmfao ur replying 2 a fat swed who was listening 2 dubstep 4 months ago allow it
  8. if theres any payments involved gretar should fund it but good idea ill involve
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