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Bawz Maxim

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Everything posted by Bawz Maxim

  1. Not even 1 month old clip, had plenty clips ready but our clan got mostly banned so and now we came back up i banged the vid out and spartans mums ez btw.
  2. Boi kys, 30k depoist against spies, seems like you have no idea about Single pk clans randy
  3. Welcome to Titans "Rules" - Follow the Roatpkz rules. - No clan hopping to other pking clans, temporary joining another event clan for a special event is allowed - Do not attack other clan members unless both of you agree, taking revenge of such 'bsing' is NOT tolerated! "How to rank up" - Ranking up is based on the following things, there are no solid requirements at the moment - Activity in the clan - Participation in pking events - Pking skill/tactics/behaviour - Trustworthiness/not being selfish "Requierements" - Must pay 30k Pkp fee - Must have discord - Must have basic bridding and tribrid knowledge - Must be self sustaining on bank - Able to follow leaders commands "Applications" IGN: Bank Picture: Hybrid KDR: Your best Hybrid gear: Your best Tribrid gear: Can you pay 30k Pkp fee?:
  4. In-game Name: X3L595378198 Youtube Channel (URL): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQPOC7b-twaFQg3UPzjWuTQ/featured?view_as=subscriber Why should we pick you ?: Brining fire into this game, even when im new in the youtube scene, but i will grow fast.
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