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Account recovery!

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Then staff members need proof. Send an email to Gretar With this format. (send to [email protected]) Or just PM gretar on Forums.

Account you're trying to recover (account name) :
Current account : 
System : 
Mac Adress (search it up on google) : 
Serial : 
IP (Can be Found On Whatsmyip.org) :

I think PMing gretar on forums would be better because this format is old and the email is probably not active right now, so just be patient, and PM staff members about this.

However, if you were talking about linking an email on an account you own and currently are able to log in to, just do this simple command ingame.

::setemail ([email protected])


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I know. I already sended the email. Gretar is always afk and he told me i need to send the email... I did send it like 3 days ago didint get anything..


Well, Last time i tried to recover my account, it took over 6 months. With this new system, just give him some time. He's trying to adjust it and he also has a life to live. All you need to do is wait and use an alt, i can let you use one of my donator accounts? pm me ing name Eliza

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