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Legendary Donator
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Everything posted by Krigeris

  1. No seriously though, this shit is so fucking annoying, fuck whichever dumb fuck thought this was a good idea.
  2. Why the fuck can someone fuck with me when I'm doing a boss and then when I gear up and return I can't attack them because I don't risk 50k pkp points? This shit is fucking dumb, remove risk defense from deep wildy or bossing areas.
  3. I've been waiting for this update for a long time and this is the first time you guys have geninuely fucked up so bad that it pissed me off. Given its price on pre-eoc and OS; there's no logical reason for it being 10M other than you guys trying to milk donation money. You flubbed a chance to shake up the meta for the better, and ruined one of the best updates pking had on PRE-eoc and OS that literally shifted the meta away from everyone being able to just combo eat and pray melee to be safe. This weapon has always been the difference from fucktards sitting in full tank at 115 hp thinking they will never die, and people realizing a korasi/ags or a korasi/claws could take them out at any second. By making this expensive you're literally protecting the degenerate fucks who run around like they are invincible and pk like little bitches, safing to 115 hp to protect their 12 killstreak, to take away the ability for common pkers to anti people like that is so fucking lame its unreal. You're protecting the lowest of the low rats with this shit. You could've even had a korasi (weaker and cheaper) and a voidwalker (stronger and extremely expensive), if you felt the need for an expensive pk weapon but instead you chose to go this fucking disappointing ass greedy route. I've been a big fan of this server for being the best pking server around for literally years, but you guys dropped the ball so fucking hard on this one I hope the greed bites you in the ass somehow, because this is just pure greed at the cost of a better pking experience for everyone. I'm not the only one, I've seen people complaining about this all day and the only people supporting this dumb ass decision either A. Have no argument or B. Think the weapon is OP when in reality its 'just good', its not broken OP by any means to justify this kind of price. OK, I've expressed this as best I can, I'm done spamming this thread, update failed, you're greedy and you suck.
  4. It's a fucking waste of an update as it is now, the voidwaker and korasi changed the metas when they came out on OS. On here, nothing changes, your hp goes low, you pray melee and combo eat, its so fucking boring without a proper korasi being more common because fucks camping max don't have anything to be afraid of. The korasi and voidwalkers were the great equalizer for DPS, so that people can't go out in absolute max and feel no fear. this update not only fails to revitalize the meta, it caters to gambling addicted fucks who don't even PK. I've been playing this server on and off for years and barely have a 5m bank. This is absolutely fucking retarded, and fuck anyone defending this dumb bullshit.
  5. I think the price of the void waker is kind of absurd as some people have been pointing out in game, the whole point of the weapon in Pre-eoc and OS was to be a not-too expensive magic special attack so that pkers would not know what to expect and therefor had to choose between a 50-50 magic or melee special attack. This shit being valued at 10M isn't going to change the meta like it did on rs or pre-eoc because not enough people will have it to force people to expect a 50-50. This shit shouldn't even be 1M, let alone 10M, it defeats the purpose and just keeps the meta the same because almost nobody is going to use it. Voidwaker realistically should be like 100-150K, but 10M just defeats the purpose the weapon served in pre-eoc and OS and just screams to me that whoever implemented the price did not understand the role the weapon played in either version of the game. Edit: You're taking an item worth 50% more than claws on OS, and making it worth 250X claws on here. The korasi/voidwaker was never meant to be so strong it was in the same value bracket as T-Bow and Tumekens Shadow. It's NOT that strong, its just guarenteed mid-high level damage, the price is retarded.
  6. Very sick update, did not expect this one so soon "Rigour + Augury Prayers have been added to the Slayer Key drop table." I don't see it in the larran's key collection log, does that mean that you randomly get them in instances where you would've got a slayer key, or its it a part of the larran's chest and just hasn't been added to the log yet?
  7. They're not as rewarding if they don't sell and you end up having to get heaps of mostly junk and sell it to the junk shop.
  8. I've been grinding my ass off all week doing slayer every day, was in the lead by 100K xp for weekly slayer, it was a close match between me 2nd and 3rd place all week. All of a sudden some Youtuber who wasn't even in the top 3 is 1.1M xp in the lead when I wake up. Youtubers who, I know for a fact are basically spawned shit due to massively increased rates on private servers (I've seen enough p server sources to know youtubers are like Legendary Donator+ when it comes to drops/loot/perks) can just drop their massive bank on golden lamps and rend any legitimate achievements meaningless. Fucking bullshit, all I have to say. Lamps should not count towards leaderboards. Edit: Added a picture of the daily leaderboard, like come the fuck on.
  9. What reason to people have to buy larrans keys? The rarest item you can get is an AGS and its not that rare, people max out their collection logs fairly quickly so there's no longetivity in the value of the keys Additionally, theyre valued at "4K" but from the youtube videos I've seen they really net about 3.7k on average. My suggestion, pad out that last 300 PKP average value so that it equals 4k average by adding some very rare and more expensive items, that way for people to max out their collection log they have to buy a lot more keys. It doesn't have to be an absurd amount but I feel like you could max out the current log in like 30 keys. The reason why even weird miscellencious loot boxes and keys sell is because of 2 reasons 1. The gamblers want to roll that rare item, its like a scratch off ticket to them 2. Completionists like to fill collection logs Larrans Keys fail to do both these things, so why would anyone buy them? Please add some new items to the table to rectify this. Dragon claws seem like a good fit, just make them 1/100 that adds a value of 400 to the average and all of a sudden they're closer to being worth the 4k average and it solves the above issues.
  10. Would 1-1 actions at zulrah set this system off or is this mainly for auto-clickers and people cheating in pking?
  11. I'm literally the only one who's given feedback so far, you guys just dogpiled me for not kissing peoples asses. You both are spamming. What's the a point of a thread like this if you're only allowed to suck people off? Gtfo, stop replying to me bud.
  12. yeah my fault there are grease balls crawling old server passwords leaked 10+ years ago, you guys can play the blame game all you want. At the end of the day the mods acknowledged there was a hacker and did nothing more than ban him even though they had the information available to set things right. I was asked for feed-back and my feedback is that I don't see them doing shit when there is most definitely shit to be done. The worst part is I almost NEVER see them answering basic questions in help or yell, which is even worse than my own personal problem cause answering questions takes almost zero effort.
  13. Lol, so much for a feedback thread bud. Well thats my experience with you guys, rarely actually see you do anything. Don't like it? Don't come in the thread asking for feedback. You guys can view the player files I know that, so why not control F the player trades file for the hackers name and figure out what he stole from who? I know you can do this, I've ran p servers before. Its just lazyness that there was a mass hacker that you know of and people weren't refunded.
  14. You guys don't seem to mind checking my password and IP information when I post about being hacked, and you even admit there was a hacker and that he was banned, but even though you're willing to check our player files for that, you guys decide to be a bit lazy and not check our files for trades and refund everyone who was hacked from the hackers account? I'm sorry I've been here for months and I've helped more people in the chat than any mod, you guys don't really do anything as far as I can tell.
  15. First of all the standard genie random is needlessly stressful. You picked several similar items like rune plate and rune plate (t)/guthix plate. You just made it harder for humans to solve without really making it harder for bots, if a bot is advanced enough that it can see through the fuzz and detect individual items then it most certainly can detect a trim color, please change the items to completely different ones from each-other so that its mindless for people. I have heard people on yell/help saying they got blocked cause they messed up the random twice, I struggle sometimes and I cant even imagine how bad it is for colorblind people. Second of all the reward is a joke. I was doing zulrah and cause I couldnt do the genie for a minute I got hit with the captcha random where you have to open a web page and verify your humanity and what do I get? 14 pkp. That is just ridiculous for the effort man, I give away 20X that to random people who ask for starting untradables. There is no one on this game who would feel rewarded by 14 pkp, not a single person. Random events should give like 100 pkp on average. Still pretty terrible amount, but worth a few logs if you're woodcutting, or worth a portion of a boss kill/slayer task if you're pvming. My problem is that I actually lose money solving a random event no matter what I'm doing because the pkp it gives is worth less than killing a few monsters, woodcutting, pking or bossing. If we have too inconvenience people in an attempt to stop bots , might as well throw us a bone
  16. Thanks for the quick response and glad to hear
  17. Yeah I know the title sounds like I'm an idiot, but hear me out. First time I logged in a while back and because everything was gone I assumed the server had an economy reset (like many other servers do), but now I'm realizing that wasn't the case. I played for a few days then a majority of my stuff was missing yet again. Can you check my account for massive trades in the past week or so? Would be nice to get my 100K back (or more if its the same person who got me originally) if thats a thing, but mostly I just want the person banned more than anything, thanks. I've secured my account n all that at this point, shouldnt happen again
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