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Everything posted by hunnetsville

  1. Ingame name: HunnetsvilleHow long have you been playing?: 3 yearsCan anyone verify how long you have been playing? (3 years +): Robes
  2. Staked Cannnabis 3x today... doubled up each time. https://gyazo.com/550144335fe7be617de51c76468d2d86 https://gyazo.com/04cce32ad541bee58fbafb82483e9125 https://gyazo.com/f6c62575d255de3316bc4e39c1401c1f
  3. as most of you know, I haven't nearly been playing as much as I used to. I've put quitting into high consideration because one of my good friends quit too, If I do proceed to quit, I would love to do a massive stake if anyone is interested, win or lose I will probably not play anymore. Thanks to everyone who has been real with me, enjoy guys. It's been fun.
  4. We've been going at it for about 45 minutes, finally got him & didn't realize it was going to be for 5k kills. Peep the divine
  5. Ask mod or admin if we come from the same IP's to see if we are the same person, tired of you idiots thinking we are. Hardly even know the scrub, l0x.
  6. funny part is thats true... lol i need to meet this l0x guy.
  7. well l0x STEP UP UR GAME... ur making me look bad Sad part is I'm not even l0x
  8. but technically all you won is 200x AGS.. Not the other 2.8m
  9. All u do is merch l0l. Log out get some air sometimes
  10. So I decided to do a small social experiment to test how generous or nice players are on this server. The plan - I made an alternative account to do the experiment so no one would know it was me, otherwise it would not have worked. (You will understand). - Made an alt account, transferred some items over such as AGS, ACB, SERP HELMS, CLAWS, AND PRIM BOOTS... All decent pkp items. - I was going on my alternative account to fight people and have a risk that I "did not know i was risking" (it's a part of the plan) - I then purposely died to people with a risk I did not 'plan' on losing. (I had primordial boots and dragon claws). - I then would ask people and beg for the boots back since I protect claws, saying I did not know i was risking my boots, etc... I mean I asked a solid 4 or 5 times, not over begging but definitely making sure they understood and heard me... - I then would reward the person if they gave me the items back, I would give them an AGS, ACB, and a SERP HELM. I wanted to test about 20-50 people and see the results. The results were devastating, I was on person #26 and I stopped... only 1 PERSON gave me my boots back (he won items). 1 OUT OF 26 PEOPLE. Shout out to that guy. You know who you are I was hoping maybe half the people would give the stuff back, or even a little less than that. But I did not expect this shitty of a turnout... consider this one day. You get a noob begging for his boots back, you might win Ags, Acb, and a Serp helm :). -Hunnetsville
  11. Decided to test some stuff out, spent about 91k on this. [over payed] https://gyazo.com/ea03defd3bfd926c2f8b590e909ab66e https://gyazo.com/8c15b91ed2630ac16523ed084305e94f
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