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The Judge

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Everything posted by The Judge

  1. The Judge

    Good Vibes..

    "Just lose yourself, and enjoy your time here on this beautiful place we call earth".
  2. Hello members of Roat Pkz, I've seen many cases of appeals not getting accepted due to players not filling out the form and not giving the right information on the appeal or even having the right positive attitude when filling out the appeal information.. I'm going to somewhat give you some guidance on how to get your successfully appeal your wrongdoings if they're "appealable".. I'm going to write a scenario below that many players that I've experienced seem to go through.. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ You log in on Roat Pkz and your friend tells you to come to the duel arena so he could show you what he just won. You're interested so you decided to teleport to the Duel Arena and you meet your friend. Your friend tells you that he doesn't have enough room in his bank for the items or the coins that he may have won, so he asked you can you hold it for him temporarily until he has enough room in his bank to hold his winnings.. Being the good friend that you are you decide to hold some of his winnings. Now knowing that this is just a MMPORG and that everything is pixelated, you do have those members who value pixels over friendship any day of the week. So you end the talk with your friend and you log off for the day to conduct business in RL (Real life). You attempt to log into Roat Pkz the next day and you see that your account has been disabled. Your "friend" thought you scammed him because you were actually busy with your business in your real world. But you don't know that, At this moment your feelings are "Why the hell am I banned"? and "Who did this"?.. Or something along those lines, players are different. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ End of scenario. Now most people will understand that you are currently raging in RL and confused on why you're banned. But, the one thing you must control is your attitude during the whole appealing process. They're many staff members on Roat Pkz and I'm sure most of them didn't know that you were banned. Due to non-communication within the chain of command. So don't assume that the staff member that chooses to deal with your case knows your situation as he is just doing his/her duty as staff member. If you approach the situation with the wrong attitude your whole mission to get unbanned will be a lot more difficult. Staff are trained to deal with all types of attitudes with appeals, they know the player is upset. But you (The appealer) must know that your actions can slow down the process or speed up the process so you may continue to play on Roat Pkz depending on your situation. When filling out the appealing form, fill it out with a great attitude and be as cooperative and patient as possible. Now on to the next, IF you are truly innocent of the punishment you have received, in this particular situation you must provide some sufficient proof of your innocence. This is where your integrity comes into play, be completely honest when you're doing this process as the truth will eventually come out. But in this situation you are innocent, so if you don't actually have any proof, the staff who's dealing with this case would contact the person who banned you, and ask for the evidence that he had to ban the accused scammer. If that doesn't suffice, then that's where chat logs come into play. Now this process gets a little more deeper and the time may expand a little. When appealing a process be completely honest, provide good proof, and if proof isn't available ask for an alternative. One small thing that most players forget is to always keep good grammar when writing your appeal. You are mad so you don't care how your grammar looks, you're just trying to get your point across that you're banned for no reason. Remember calm down and breathe, and type your appeal legibly so any staff member can understand it. Now let's continue on with this particular situation. The staff member dealing with your case finally has the chat logs that was said on that specific day and time. He reviews them and he understands that it was an agreement between you and your "friend". After he finds that, he then confronts the person who reported you for scamming. (Now most staff members won't go this far, but some good ones will) and ask him did he know that he was busy in RL? The reporter says yeah he knew but he didn't know that he was going to be gone for that long. To end this scenario with a conclusion, the good staff member explains to the reporter that his "friend" that he gave his winnings too was actually busy and had no intentions of taking any of it. The reporter than realizes that he had made a mistake and ask the staff member to unban the accused scammer.. The good friend got unbanned, and the reporter got his winnings back from him. The process may have took some time but the situation was handled very professionally by the accused scammer. In any instance that you are banned or muted, etc. If you would like to have a chance of getting un-punished then you must be able to have resilience and be able to have the traits of a great attitude, patience, and understanding. With the addition of having some good grammar so that staff member can understand your plead. If you can follow those simply traits then your appeal will most likely be approved and your punishment will be revoked. Of-course depending on your situation. Now this is just theory that you can go by when going through the appealing process. You do not have to follow this exact theory, it's a option that you can come too when you don't know where else to go. I would like to thank anyone who have read through this theory and cheers to them for many years of success. -Regards, Boytoy (The Judge)
  3. Let's see how I can change this community to a more efficient yet loving community that could attract the right players and grow this organization.

    1. Why Gg

      Why Gg

      you did a great job

  4. Hello the community of Roat Pkz. During this time of day I see that they're not that many players online at the moment, which is usual for me since being the in Mountain Time zone is quite unusual. Anyhow, I would like to properly introduce myself. The details of myself are listed below: 1.Many of are probably around my age, I'm a 19 year old Business student attending Flagler College (Online, until I make it to Florida to stay on campus). 2.Out of High School I joined the Armed Forces for a year and got experienced in Human Resources and the K-9 Military Police field. (Customer Service for some of you who might not know the meaning) 3.I opted out of the Army because I felt unhappy, as if I had more to life then being in a structured environment so soon. Meaning that I needed time to be a college student and experience the great things life can offer. (Okay enough about my personal life here's how I got into the RS/RSPS scene) I joined the RS scene back in 2007 (8-9 years of experience), I somewhat got bored of "regular" RS and I decided to go on YouTube and look for some other MMPORG to play.. To my surprise I came across a video of some RS related game (RSPS), that featured the RS features but gave you the opportunity of owning items that you particularly wouldn't own on RS. I decided to venture out and look for related RSPS's that had these amazing features. That's when I finally got introduced into the RSPS scene.. From that point I continued playing them, and seeing each one I played eventually shut down due to lack of players and advertising funds. Soon after playing the actual game of the RSPS I got interested into the Forums of the Private Server.. Most players who join servers just to play the game usually don't go on the forums but in the time of 2012, the forums became quite popular because that's where most players who didn't really play the game or have played the game but wanted a break from it without actually leaving the actual community of the development. I became associated with forums in huge way, developing Vbulletin, IP.Board, etc, and adding additional add-ons and managing the forums making it more functional for the community. I loved it , but unfortunately after I graduated HS .. I left the RSPS scene to become an adult for a little.. But I still thought about coming back but never had the time.. But since I'm starting to do most of my work online , I have time to be on the forums and spend a little time in-game.. I came across this community and decided to join, so here I am.. You'll see me mostly on the forums and mostly venturing in the game gathering information about it since I don't find much interests playing it as much as I use too. As venturing around on the server I gather the information to help others as some people tend to come on the forums with their concerns and express it there. Which is why I tend to experience the game-play so I could not only share my knowledge with the forums , I could also share the knowledge with the game-play. Well there's a little biography story about myself and my past, books are going to be selling the summer of 2016 (Totally being comedic).
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