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The Judge

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Everything posted by The Judge

  1. Nice efficient suggestion. Wouldn't mind seeing this getting implemented.
  2. Side question.. Are you John(Omniscient) from HF? Or an fan of him that likes him name hmm?
  3. I am personally confident that I could easily implement anything, but it the opportunity does come to when my decision actually means something then why not?
  4. Don't worry, It won't be an issue proving these context to him.
  5. That's the spirit. . . Hopelessness is only an emotion/feeling.. An emotion can change when it sees progress. Progress will come. I assure you.
  6. Actions speaks louder than words, Castial. Perhaps opportunity isn't so far from the tunnel.
  7. Thank you for your well written reply. I'm sure none of what you suggested is a problem nor would it be a problem for it to actually be implemented here at RoatPkz. I guarantee you that you'll see a difference soon.
  8. Straight out of Compton is a great movie, you're going to enjoy it if you knew the history of the group back in the days. Good movie choice.
  9. Well said, noted. Interesting. You'd like to see skilling added to Roat Pkz? Okay motion accepted. Thanks for your input.
  10. So you'll like to see a fresh makeover for RoatPkz eh? What is your opinion on the current outlook on these forums?
  11. What would you say if it was actually a NEW beginning? Not a fresh little forum but a actually NEW beginning. Fresh marketing, fresh updates, etc?
  12. Work in progress, I know you've heard that before but it's coming sooner than later.
  13. It will change without a doubt. Just give me something that YOU personally would love to see here at RoatPkz.
  14. Question, What do YOU want to see come to RoatPkz? What do you think will improve this community, help it grow? What are some opinions that ANY of you have that MAY be taken in consideration? Many questions.. But you get the point.. Don't be shy now.. I know the current members of this community have some suggestions that MAY change the outlook on RoatPkz from others.. Let's change some of your opinions as in saying RoatPkz is a "Dead" server.. I think it's a little of neglect and needs a little more compassion.. Regards, Judge
  15. Good discussion. Glad you support the cause. Thank you for your input Sinister. Well said .
  16. The Reiteration of my post is already justifying that I didn't originally come up with the ideas. The possessive "I's and My's" that are included in my post are simply there because I am speaking from my point of view. Not inciting on any third person views. In addition, thank you for YOUR input with the privacy detail.
  17. My latest response was to the modified numbered list that he gave me on his response, not on the information he gave me on whom doing the implementing here. Critically thinking, if I didn't think in the first place I wouldn't have cared what he had wrote in the first place. Get it? If not I'll clarify that for you as well. IF you have read the thread and paid any attention to detail then you would have also read that I inputted the side note of [ A User suggested this]. Not taking the credit nor how you say "stealing" the work of the users who originally came up with these simple suggestions. In addition to your add on [Not just a simple mod], It's not rocket science.
  18. The thread wasn't taking the credits from the users who came up with said suggestions. Your responses only gave names not an educational reply that could potentially help the thread. I understand that you want to inform me of the users who came up with the suggestions , but that wasn't merely my goal when making this thread. And I would only hope the numbers you posted corresponded with my suggestion. Good work.
  19. Clarify more on your responses to the suggestions. Giving me a name's or short responses such as "Why gg" isn't giving the necessary knowledge to make sense of what you're saying. Clarify.
  20. Boytoy was alter-ego I used on HF during the years of 2010-2014. The name is unique which was why I chose it.
  21. Hello players or Roat Pkz, upon my arrival to Roat Pkz I've been how you say.. "Lurking" through the forums for improvements and familiarization purposes. I'm not surprised when I saw the past suggestions and implements that was suppose to be added a couple of a weeks ago not added or ignored. Simple common sense suggestions such as changing the HTML Color code to the Chain of Command (Staff of Roat) of Roat Pkz. Simple task but yet not done, I've seen a user suggest some change to the colors but unfortunately the user was most likely ignored. The last thread I was reading was a Suggestion List by the user Yoobs. Quite an impressive amount of plug-ins that was added to the forums but there is plenty of work to be done to make the forums more.. User-friendly yet have that professional outlook. I'm not here to point out the things that were suppose to be done, I understand SOME "Staff members" are quite busy and some ideas may get overlooked because they're so quickly forgotten. As the community of Roat Pkz grows more users will then ask more questions on why certain things are implemented yet or why have it taken so long for such updates to happen to the forums. I'm sure I'm not the only one who takes the Forums seriously around the RSPS Community or even the RS community. During my timeline through the years of playing or associating with the forums scene, I know that the forums can make or break a RSPS.. Not only that but also the functionality of the Forums Staff team. As I reviewed every component here there seems to be only ONE Forum Moderator with the addition of one Global Administration that I'm assuming that's doing the updates for the forums.. Anyhow, let's move to some of my suggestions that WILL eventually get implemented.. Simple add-ons but some associates may not like putting out timely updates due to inactivity. 1. Gather some new ideas for the Chain of Command appearance. [Try not to confuse new users on which rank a user is if the user is not viewing the said staff members profile or viewing their post ; Come up with more HTML colors to use or even use HTML code to Bold the Staff members rank] 2. Mobile Support [I've seen this suggestion before but it may have been overlooked, common sense detail is that it'll had more diversity to the forums] 3. Privacy Enabled on the sub-sections of Player Reports, Player Appeals, etc. [ Many of you can view any player report or player appeal on the forums, make it to only staff members can view such sensitive material. It can be done, enabling options in IPB Admin ; Also it'll clear up the "New Content".] I have plenty more suggestions and/or advise to give to whom ever has the responsibility of actually making these suggestions that EACH user suggests to you happen. Every suggestion that I've read through the Forum side of Roat Pkz either has some good feedback but hasn't been implemented, or has been suggested said it'll get done but hasn't been implemented.. Let's get things done, so the players of Roat Pkz has a stable, professional environment that has no limits to it. A good community will only go forward never backwards, suggestions will only help not hurt.. If the users of this forums see that their suggestions are getting implemented then what else could be said? Nothing but a good pat on the back and good work from the boss.'' There goes my little suggestion list and or reminder to Yoobs or whomever can make things happen other than myself being as I just came in this community. Good luck, have ANY questions about any of the add-ons or HTML edits or even graphic designs [To easy to recruit someone with some talent].. Feel free to message me.
  22. Revamp Suggestion to the Forums. Suggestion thread will be coming soon. It's time for the updates that are so easily accomplishable but haven't been added..

  23. Patience is a virtue young one. But they're others who want a quick response, if they do they can always contact me.
  24. Nice guide, simple enough for anyone who'd need it. Nice addition with the pictures also.
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