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Everything posted by Tearitup

  1. >>>>>>> 3 Server updates in past year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OMFMFGYESOMG ORGASMYESSSSSSxoxoxoxooxoxROATPKZ4LIFE<<<<<<<<<< should be added to the toplist server promo thread
  2. I could make a huge long list, but I actually won't, considering I'm sure numerous other people have already posted them On top of this topic though, Let's add a 07 Client with 07 animations?
  3. i might share this with my psychology teacher or maybe even my literature/language arts teacher, genius tbh
  4. his acting in the trailer, silly jake
  5. Anyone else seen this? Going to watch this tomorrow. Person playing Eazy-E nailed It in the trailer, aside from smirky facial expression intentionally standing out, didn't portray Eazy-E, only making him look cocky , Ice Cube's son played Ice Cube (don't really care for that, he looks like such a punk), also his acting sucked ass, which I'm sure everyone ignored simply out of respect because it's his son... rest actors looked decent Looks like it's going to be SICK, hope not to corny.. Heard NWA was going to go on a reunion tour with Eminem on as Eazy-E awhile back doesn't seem like that's happening anymore
  6. HAHA. Idk where you were going with my 07 Acc being near maxed, ya it was and? I'm not into psychology, I'm just SO FUCKED in the head, I don't even know if there's a term to describe it. I've made 0 quitting threads on this server. I've made a thread in the Goal/Achievement section on the Old forums and labeled it "Quitting" as a troll and it was about a Forum Post achievement or Killcount in-game, I'm not positive.... This only states that I'm done playing playing competitively.... As you put next to none effort into you're reply I didn't either, IDK why I'm even bothering to reply to this anyways, I almost just moved on to another thread, but I thought I'd just finishing typing what I'm typing now and submit edit: o ya and what ignorance said, It's almost near impossible to not get flamed with my remarkable reputation, but then again community has changed only a handful of people know me, and barely anyone knew me for me, up until I decided to put on a continuous act two years ago or so =]
  7. ????????????????????????? LOL are you really that stupid you put your typing into my quote? Good be done, Jake hasn't replied, because he's actually once again smart enough to know better. I had a fun time as well, it's not everyday you get to unleash loads upon peoples face with them staying out of your way from that point on, normally you'd have to pay for such services. Thanks for taking it like bitch you were made out to be in this world.
  8. First Line, you used 10 cent words that whole line, why didn't you make it more distinguishing? Right. So with this line you admitted you never disagreed, but made it "simplistic" (another 50 cent word when "simple" would've sounded more smoothly) So you basically put it into your own words, never specifically agreeing or disagreeing, but considering you're "reiteration" was the same as mine, I'm positive that's more of an agreement than a disagreement. You really need to rephrase everything in you're "simplistic" ways in this line and the line i said "GET OUT" on. So you're saying this thread is a private message? You're right I don't want people to see this Lmfao. My understanding is you're saying I'm smart enough to understand this is a public server, and should expect controversy. You think you're having a rough time deciphering? You're JOKING? It is as clear as it gets. NO GRAMMAR, CAN'T TYPE SENTENCES, DISPLACEMENT OF WORDS. Seriously how much more simple can it get? It was a compliment, because he does catch onto things faster than most people on this server, and a message showing him this isn't as serious as he thinks. It was an indirect insult towards you, understandably you wouldn't have comprehended. I complimented him once, "Compliments" it wasn't plural you imbecile. You really are handicapped in the head saying you're "simplistic" and simplifying my topic into a dimmed down version, when yet you're trying to flatter yourself with "a 5 dollar word is a 5 cent word to me". Just own it. Stop pretending you're actually a genuine human being. I know I'm psychopathic, this is my once again my "mad genius" idea to express my creativity, mind-set, inner-madness, and unleash slumbering spirits of paranoia within others; only humoring those smart enough. I'm deeply fucked up psychologically and I understand this; maybe I'm not a psychopath rather my ego is one. People don't understand I have intentions for merely everything, while most may see it as an excuse to cover stupidity. Schemes like this are what keep me in place from my progression into insanity. While serial-killers unleash their ambitions with murders, I unleash mine in ways such as this. Just remember, the more formal I become, the less serious you should take it. I've already triumphed, it's fun toying with stupidity such as yourself.
  9. Deduced? Ok. Atrociously(i googled this one lmfao)? Why use a five-dollar word when you can use a 50-cent word? Trying to hard man. Didn't challenge anything, you agreed with everything until I called you dumbass (lmfao). , what path was illogical? LOlwtf? wait wait wait where am I butthurt? Private Message? I NEVER PRIVATE MESSAGED YOU? Did you not read the last post? "you weren't as illogical to believe" ???????????? GET OUT. Why use huge ass words that don't even apply to what he's trying say, along with that huge longass run-on, horrible grammar, and make-believe; then complimenting himself saying "I am superior in all aspects" when I already have him by the foot "Including trolling" Jakey is right, you are the proof that humans are de-evolutionizing.
  10. At least you're the brains of the forums actually understanding this is a Troll (or what ignorance calls me hiding stupidity claiming it's a troll). It's not intellectual at all, I agree, It's psychopathic. It's for entertainment Jakey, and I'm not wanting to go into conversation, but I'm willing to >:) I'm not afraid to respond to anything and everything online because you simply don't matter, and no matter how hard I try to get that point of not caring across it never absorbs with Roat Pkz. You're my favorite subject because you continuously say things like that "you just didn't reply" when I've clearly replied. NONONO you don't need to pull everything back up, just tell me specifically what I didn't reply to and I'll dig the reply up for you, OK hun? If you are entertained by it, it's a mutual win bud. 3 way Flame War? FUCK YES. Finally this forums is getting its use. I wanted it to be public, You notice it was in the flame section? It should've been a dead giveaway what I was going for. It was a Mad Genius idea to bait rejects like you into them, also a challenge inviting people (my subjects) to those who have been known to continuously participate in arguments. Fishing is all about how you wiggle the worm. You must feel extraordinarily stupid right now.
  11. It's a Journal once again. It was written by ME for private use, then I publicized it. The misconception is you thinking this is a debate. I don't care if you agree with it, or disagree with it. I'd rather confess with somebody who actually knows what's going on. Mr Jakey for example
  12. You're right about basically everything, because all you did was reiterate everything I said, then misinterpreting the the majority of it, and then some of it was you irrelevantly giving undesirable opinions... First and my favorite misconception proclaimed by you: It's also the first word I typed on this thread?
  13. Journal Entry 29/07/2015 This post was made with numerous intentions, to let everyone know I am Pili Petteri from the old forums, to interest people into this thread with the title, as well as let everyone know we're all wearing a mask. I have a weird abnormal way to go about cracking a joke, or proving a point in my own humorous way. Call it crazy, call it stupid, call it what you will. It's a state of mind and a way of internet social-life. I don't just go around doing random escapades like a jackass. Those whose rival my unusual illness's feuds, A.K.A "bullshit" will be justified. I will lay waste to their creditable actions in such havoc in hopes they'll be so manipulated by agony, torment and discomfort they'd be forced to change their miserable disgusting direction into becoming a more acceptable and ideal human being online as well in the real world. If I fail at this (I rarely do) I simply give up because they're obviously to dimwitted to understand the simple authenticity being directed towards them. As much as I enjoy helping people become a better them, you can't fix stupid. I'm done playing this game competitively, and have been for about a year. Instead of playing I'll be antagonizing anyone worthy of the misdemeanors I stand against by afflicting them with such traumatic remorse that they only burdened upon themselves, unleashing every possible irritable behavior my freakish mind possesses, on that rare presence of me being online either it be forums or client. Some may be simpler than others. Maybe a simple fight in the wild, or a three hours long argument, or should I say lecture, considering you'd be inflicted by such disorient perplexity, you'd be at a loss of words, processing at a chug-like rate, while involuntarily gulping down my extraordinary intellect i'm unloading at you at an overwhelming rate. Everything just comes to me. I know everyone on this forums way to well, a good three years to do so. I KNOW what you see in your mind, how you take things, how you will respond. On the absolutely most serious note, I do know this. I live for reactions. I'd like to note of my most favorable subjects so far without going into detail: Craig, Mr Jake, Ignorance, Savior1st, Tha Joker, Purple Beard Thanks for providing me hundreds of hours of personal research, Someday I will cure those who need it.
  14. Thanks for showing us how in-effective you're inventory is setup. Thanks for showing us how you can effectively waste an inventory space. Thanks for showing how effectively you can take damage in easily preventable situations. Thanks for showing how many non-effective clicks you can do within the client. Thanks for showing us you can effectively Ice Blitz in a Karil's Leathertop. Thanks for showing us a 2 minute and 54 second clip leading up to the opponent out of food. Thanks for showing the loot of your kill on a spawn pk-based server. Thanks for reenacting the first clip with the second clip, ending with the same story as the last, with the same person. Thanks once more for reenacting all the first and second clips, same story, same person, only difference as a serker fighting a pure. -WAIT he had 3 food this time! Yawn, fourth clip, it's different person though YAY! It's basically the same thing still though... Same Gear, Same awful switching, Same Placements, Same Inventory, Same in-efficient Inventory, Same Kill Method - Only killing his opponent when their out of food. WOW this time he didn't show the Loot! Damn the psychopathic music syncs up with this repulsive clip. OMFG FOURTH CLIP FEATURES HELMET BUDDIES!!!!!! Thanks again for the NASTY music, and by that I mean unattractively vile music which you are seizuring your hand to. Final Thanks's: Thanks for creating a Pk Video revolving around you outlasting your opponent. Thanks for showing us the record breaking number of Ice-Blitz that have been casted in a Hybrid based Pk Video. Thanks for showing us that even the most incapable people amongst us are capable of preventing the longest Pk Video with the least amount of kills. Thanks for showing the community and myself how much we really want a Eco-Server.
  15. Make it so you must actually type 10 characters or 3 words if you're quoting someone, let's leave that on the old forums please? we got a "like post" button now
  16. You act like you're actually making a difference with this thread? It's had the same combat and overloads since the start, and the players who've been here 2-3 years are still here. Obviously the combat does need re-worked, yet the people who whine for it to change have been here, and are still here, and will remain here no matter what. Overloads are fun, allow them everywhere but ::brid, ::easts, ::wests to satisfy those who dislike them. Seen a thread asking to change combat idk how many times on Roat Pkz, and on so many other servers (where the combat is actually somewhat decent). Combat takes time to perfect, and the Owners need explanation of HOW it is not working besides people whining " Fix the combat." The only difference I see within the point of this thread the new developer Alex, is now here to make a change, and can now see a fresh topic on this opinion. "It's time for the players decide." really caught me off guard, and I just wanted to call you stupid with my paragraph long post.
  17. Pking will be extremely boring if Ags woud be unspawnable. I'm thinking of everyone here when I say this, not just the; I'd consider it the "Strictly-Hybridding Division" who have been trying to change this server into OSRS. Pking, especially in Edgeville would be dimmed down so much without having AGS + Bandos unspawnable. I consider myself part of this "hybriddinng division" i categorize it as, and I to would think it would be sweet if these were added to PK Shop or something, but everyone outside of the hybrid community is being overlooked. I guarantee the player count will fall if these were changed, I've seen it before numerous times with AGS, but Bandos isn't much of an issue. I can see the same with Chaotics aswell. This is what the Hybridding community wants, not everyone, keep that in mind.. I support all the 07 Items, but they would look very ugly i'd imagine animation wise with the way the server is now
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