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Apperantly I got banned on my two accounts and I'm currently "blocked" from Roat Pkz.

I do not know what I have done wrong (except for trying to get this one guy at chaos elemental to skull on me lol).

If any staff would be able to give me a insight of whats happened I'd be more than happy.



Craig lost a black santa (traded it to meth and told him to stake piffy) Piffy won and Craig claimed the stake was "fixed" which it clearly was not.

After alot of flaming by Craig he said he suspected rwting (wtf) etc etc. Is this why I'm banned/macbanned?




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2 minutes ago, Ahmash said:

Craig mad he lost pixel so he must hav paid a staff to ban u if the custom was on ur acc ik him hes the devil

make an appeal

No mate the custom was never on my account however I Heard by a staff that someone tried to get me banned for RWTing. However I'm Always hunting for rwters and that's the fun fact. Howevers - incoming appeal in 24 hours.

And yeah Craig was very - just very insultive. I just hope my friend who donated for the one custom and won the other hasn't lost them. - or his account.

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