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Bolewicki 1v1 and cleared 3-0 and still talks shit?

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So as some of you know, I'm constantly harassed by these fuckboys for minding my own business. I continuously mind my own shit and still get these kids trying to "rag", "perm", and "clear" me for absolutely no reason. For example, I could be selling a Divine Spirit Shield and yell and get a dumbass comment like "Vestas you're so annoying stfu" by Bolewicki. Did I mention your dumbass in the yell? No? Then shut your ass up then kiddo lmfao.

Here's 1v1 #1:


During 1v1 #2 I sadly don't have a killpic for this. It was @ ::wests. The next 1v1 is what REALLY matters.

So this 1v1 he started to flame me out of nowhere with his buttbuddy 0verdosage. Both said I was cleared, when suddenly Bolewicki challenged me to 1v1 him. He said that if I beat him, he'd deactivate his account "Bolewicki" and said to go to ::easts with no DD. I accepted and here are the results. He even had his butt buddy TB me after I won lmfao. Good fight kiddo.





Edited by Vestas
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