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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/07/2021 in all areas

  1. Hello, so i came with my suggestion to create New Achievemnts Cape which u can get by reaching 250 Achievements Easy Cape, 500 Achievements Medium Cape, 750 Achievements Hard Cape, 1000 Achievements Elite Cape, and for all Achievements a Master Cape, so there the completion of Achievemnts will be bring people to be active and grind for it like those i hope its a great suggestion :) https://gyazo.com/fff3a4ab36905bdcad120da320f87f88
    1 point
  2. Rule #12: Multi-logging in Wilderness"Players of Roat Pkz community are allowed to have multiple accounts in the wilderness as long as they're not used for any type of (PVP advantage against other players.) Example given; Getting attacked on your main account and bringing an alternative account to fend off the player attacking your main account may result in a temporary user-ban." - quoted from the rules itself. New ish player here and the wilderness is just owned by clans. That's fine as i looked to joining one after i test my nh skills... but the funny part is where moderators and players clearly have twisted there way to allow "scouts" on a rsps with 1 world?!? most servers do not allow multi-logging or atleast scouting in the wilderness to avoid things being complicated like this as it clearly is a pvp advantage. Just because ik some people will disagree with me because they brown nose staff ill give some examples on the top of my head for how its a "pvp advantage" these are some i've literally thought of within a few minutes. im sure there's many more lads. 1. Pvpers dont have to look around hotspots and multi locations as the wildy was intended? they can just teleport to w/e location for a high chance at free loot. 2. Skull tricking, scummy thing todo anyway... with scouts its just even more OP. (watch on ur other screen and know where to kill) 3. Chance of dying is minimal. you know when pvmers/pvpers are at that certain location. (teleport in when its ez loot & close to 0% risk) 4. 1 world for most rsps' technically you could have every multi place on lockdown with the clan sizes in this game. 5. TB/Rushing would be even more op as the distance would be drastically smaller. I find it hilarious that this is allowed yet you can't login another account to pj someone off who's just done this? I know this wont change as i got told by the people that "moderators do it as well" so im expecting backlash writing this up which is just sad tbh... - Just thought id put my rant here to hopefully get the rules updated so some new players don't get discouraged from playing like me. I'm not criticizing the servers itself as the community is helpful and edge pvp seems fun from what i experienced! solo nhers would find it extremely hard adjusting to a server like so would be my only criticism. Thankyou for reading <3 - Ex roat-pkz player.
    1 point
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