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Chef last won the day on January 23

Chef had the most liked content!


About Chef

  • Birthday 07/13/2000

Roat Pkz Information

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  1. Nothing deezie says makes sense
  2. Thank you for this update, skilling points will change many lives ✊
  3. Message me in discord if you still need (ch3ffie1123)
  4. Suggestions for current staff members, and even suggestions for potentially new staff members are welcome, but must have valid, well explained reasons alongside the suggestion. Dannastorfe is the best candidate for this position for several reasons which are: 1- His cute 2- His not toxic (POSITIVE) 3- He's well aware of how to help other people 4- He can make a unique server support 5- He is kind and loves the game and an experienced player
  5. I constantly find people are finding it very difficult to skill on their own especially to maximize their account and enjoy the benefits of a max cape. Rest assured that people like us will help you reach your goal with the lowest time possible if you have what it takes for it. we the only ones can help you get any amount of xp you want from 1-200m, all you have to do is sit back and enjoy couple drinks and cigar while we work every day to help you reach your target, the payments are discussed in discord or via messages in game and make sure to join cc "Max Services" to ask any question, Enough said time to get you 99 slayer done! You can contact us ingame/discord/forums/cc @Chef@shot952356 To find us on discord https://discord.gg/KqdsU8hX
  6. Cooked karambwan from mimic is really giving me hope
  7. But you can receive very expensive items from the casket itself.
  8. It should be fixed now.
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