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Showing content with the highest reputation since 06/27/2024 in all areas

  1. Hello fellow members of the Roat Pkz community. The members of the Roat Pkz Staff Team would appreciate constructive criticism, preferably in-depth, as well as opinions on their contributions as a member of the staff team from the player's perspective. This will be a monthly announcement topic in order to stay up to date. Please ensure that you are being honest in your input, as this is to help the staff team provide better service and assistance to the members of the Roat Pkz community. The current staff team members are listed below for convenience. Note: Playtime is from the last 30 days. The ⭐ refers to most hours active. Owner(s) GRETAR - Playtime: NaN HEMMI80 - Playtime: NaN Senior Administrators(s) ⭐ SMACKD -> 9 HRS [87 AFK] Administrator(s) RAG BOT V1 -> 13 HRS [96 AFK] ⭐ VALENCE -> 19 HRS [212 AFK] Community Manager(s) ⭐ SMOOTHIE -> 94 HRS [165 AFK] Senior Moderator(s) ⭐ FRUITIEST -> 25 HRS [65 AFK] NO NAME SET -> 4 HRS [18 AFK] Moderator(s) FUN TIME -> 37 HRS [64 AFK] ⭐ MAMBERROI JR -> 83 HRS [17 AFK] Senior Server Support(s) NECROFEAR PB -> 50 HRS [25 AFK] JAY -> 159 HRS [179 AFK] CRAIG -> 53 HRS [39 AFK] ⭐ REAL DOZARD -> 168 HRS [106 AFK] Server Support(s) L -> 38 HRS [663 AFK] HUNNETSVILLE -> 23 HRS [428 AFK] OX80 -> 97 HRS [56 AFK] ATTACK PK -> 66 HRS [240 AFK] ⭐ 4OAK -> 246 HRS [111 AFK] ISAMI2011 -> 65 HRS [66 AFK] A PIXEL -> 1 HRS [0 AFK] HEFNER -> 105 HRS [133 AFK] Resignations: Agswarrior42 Axe __ Please note that all feedback should be honest and constructive criticism. All negative and inappropriate comments such as trolling, spam, or unnecessary flame, will be removed. Suggestions for current staff members, and even suggestions for potentially new staff members are welcome, but must have valid, well explained reasons alongside the suggestion. ~ Roat Pkz Staff Team
    3 points
  2. $750 GAME CREDITS PRIZE POOL! 💸 Roat Pkz Top 5 Max Hit Kills! Top 5 clip's has returned with great rewards. Top 5 clips will be bi-weekly with awesome reward. 🗒️ Rules: Video Must be made specifically for this content! (No old videos). Video must be related to the theme of the competition. 🏆Rewards: 1. $250 Credits. 2. $200 Credits. 3. $150 Credits. 4. $100 Credits 5. $50 Credits Submissions: All Clips must be submitted by Saturday, August 3rd, 2024 Submissions must be sent to [email protected]. (subject: Roat Pkz clip Competition, body: in game name). This Clip competition will be judged by 3 carefully selected judges. Note: if you do not submit it to the email linked above, we may not see your submission! Winners will be announced the week following! Best of luck to all!
    2 points
  3. Roat Pkz Clan Cup 🏆 The Roat Pkz Clan Cup will be 5v5 Multi Fights. That means 5 members per clan and you're never fighting more than 1 clan at a time (hence 5v5). The Clan Cup will have a bracket based system (example of bracket system) and each round will have up to 3 fights, first clan to win 2 battles goes through the next round. After every round clan members can re-stock and prepare for the next fight. The Clan Cup will also be live streamed on YouTube with commentary. You must accumulate 2,000 Clan Points to be able to qualify to sign up your team for a clan cup. (::clancup) Rewards 🤑 1. 2500M OSRS 2. 1000M OSRS 3. 500M OSRS Tournament Date 🗓️ Saturday, July 13th - 20:00 Server Time | Full Tournament (Server Time is GMT) Tournament Location ☠️ Every clan will be teleported into their own Wilderness instance, each clan will start where the red dots are and the fog will slowly force players in the middle where the green dot is. No NPC's will be available. The Rules 🔨 1. You must follow the Roat Pkz Official Rules (No DDOSing). 2. There can only be one entry per person (computer). ITEMS THAT ARE ALLOWED ✅ SOL/SOTD/Staff of Balance/TSOTD Divine rune pouch All Serp helms Black chins Dragon defender, and defender trimmed Ghrazi rapier, blade of saeldor, inquisitor mace Elder Maul Blood fury and regular fury Amulet of fury (or) 3rd age mage hat DFS Ancient Wyvern Dragonfire ward Twisted Buckler Kodai Wand All zenyte jewlery Arcane spirit shield Odium ward Pegasians, Primordials, Eternals, Guardian boots ACB Dragon crossbow Occult Allow torags, veracs, guthans helmet. Brimstone ring Spectral Imbued heart D Claws AGS Karambwans Neitiznot Faceguard Soul Runes ITEMS NOT ALLOWED ❌ Elysian Virtus Voidwaker/Korasi DT2 Rings Torva Masori Justiciar Ancestral Elidinis ward Ancient godsword Osmutens fang Volatile Harmonised Zaryte Bow Lightbearer Vesta, Statius, Morrigans (armor and weapons) Bowfa Dark bow (I) Heavy and Light Ballista Avernic Defender Infernal Cape Zaryte Vambraces Brew Cap Max 10 Saradomin Brews ❔ FAQ ❔ How do I enter the tournament? You can sign your clan up at ::clancup in-game. Will items be supplied like Tournaments? No, we will not supply items for this tournament , you will have to use your own items to participate. Will I lose items in the tournament? No, you will not lose any items you bring to the tournament, they will all be kept on death. Will Rigour & Augury Prayers be disabled? RIGOUR AND AUGURY PRAYERS WILL BE ENABLED FOR EVERYONE! How will you make sure that people don't cheat? Since the tournament will be automatic the server will make sure that the rounds can not start unless everyone is following all item cap rules. I am moving a clan over from a new server/osrs, how do I start on Roat? Every clan is welcome to Roat Pkz and we would be happy to help you out, please message "smckd" or "hemmi" on Discord and he will help get you started & give you tips & answers to all of your questions. Can staff members see my IP? No, Roat Pkz Staff members (Admins & Mods) can not see your IP addresses or mac. Any other questions or suggestions? Please post any other questions or suggestions you have below. 😃
    2 points
  4. dh was buffed a while back
    1 point
  5. 25M PKP PRIZE POOL! 💸 Roat Pkz Video Competition! A BIG Video Competition hosted by I PK MAX JR! This competition is a 3 week competition, not like the usual 4 week competitions. You have less time than usual! 🗒️Rules: Video Must be made specifically for this content! (No old videos). To prove that they are newly hit clips specifically for the competition. You must spawn a "Golden Statuette" by typing ::getid golden statuette ingame. And place it in your inventory. The item has to be visible in your clips! Any type of cheating will result in an instant disqualification. Video must be at least 2 minutes long, and no longer than 5 minutes. Video must be uploaded to YouTube (public) & link to https://roatpkz.com/ in the description. Video must be PvP related - Hybrid - Deep Wild - Risk fighting - etc. Something interesting! No fake clips! Video will be judged based on the quality of clips + edit quality. You may upload team videos/duo videos etc. 🏆Rewards: 1. 10M PKP 2. 7M PKP 3. 5M PKP 4. 2M PKP 5. 1M PKP Submissions: All Videos must be submitted by Friday, August 16th 2024. Submissions must be sent to [email protected]. (subject: Roat Pkz Video Competition, body: ign + youtube url). This video competition will be judged by I PK MAX and some staff members of his choice. Note: if you do not submit it to the email linked above, we may not see your submission! Winners will be announced the week following! Best of luck to all!
    1 point
  6. Hey there, I've been absent for a very long time from the RS scene - must have been nearly a decade ago since I last played the game. However, I recently ran across some videos on it on youtube which got me really excited to try it out again. I used to have a bunch of fun pking and would like to get back into it again, but I noticed there's quite many things to relearn and also some new changes to get caught up with. It's back to the basics for me now, learning everything from the ground up. Would be awesome to find some veteran pkers who would like to help me out in the process! Hit me up if you'd like to help out or even just chill and play together. Both my IGN and discord usernames are Casfin, just like here in the forums. By the way, I'm always down to VC!
    1 point
  7. welcome back casfin, there is many clans for you to join and meet tons of people to practice with!
    1 point
  8. Thanks man, appreciate all the help you've already given me so far 🔥
    1 point
  9. Welcome back brother, feel free to send dm on discord..
    1 point
  10. Banger video, ely soon 🙏
    1 point
  11. lol... I just hear brayden singing this song... gz ely beast
    1 point
  12. Well done everyone, Keep it up! Blessed summer to everyone 😎
    1 point
  13. Today we are doing two huge updates, along with multiple QOL updates. This includes a long awaited keyboard Shortcuts, and Skilling Points Price Increase! We have also added special character support for our European and Spanish playerbase. A quick YouTube video by @Hemmi80 explaining the details. Skilling Point Price Change! Since the release of Skilling five years ago, a lot of changes have happened in the economy, better money makers and more fun ways to make money. With those changes & all the new updates that have been released since then, Skilling became a bad money maker and was left behind. Today that changes! All Skilling Points in-game now cash out for 0.2 PKP each instead of 0.1 PKP. Essentially DOUBLING the money making aspect of skilling! Default Keyboard Shortcuts For some time people have been asking for keyboard shortcuts, and today we finally deliver with the best keyboard shortcut system of any system. Every key is configurable, with multiple selections of shortcuts. There are a few shortcuts that provide great QOL, those are locked behind Royal Donator. Special Characters Added These special characters now work in-game. à À á Á â Â ã Ã ä Ä å Å æ Æ ç Ç è È é É ê Ê ë Ë ì Ì í Í î Î ï Ï ð Ð ñ Ñ ò Ò ó Ó ô Ô õ Õ ö Ö ø Ø ù Ù ú Ú û Û ü Ü ý Ý þ Þ ÿ ß Magic Damage Redistribution Keep in mind that 'set pieces' for Robes means the Helmet, Body and Legs slot items. Now, here are the changes! Occult Necklace: Magic damage reduced from 10% to 5%. Ancestral Robes set pieces: Magic damage per piece increased from 2% to 3%. Virtus Robes set pieces: Magic damage per piece increased from 1% to 2%. The following items have had their Magic damage per piece increased from 0 to 1%: Infinity Robes. Dagon'hai Robes. 3rd Age Mage Armour. Ahrim's Robes. Elder Chaos Druid Robes. Bloodbark Armour. Augury: Magic damage while active increased from 0 to 4%. Mystic Might: Magic damage while active increased from 0 to 2%. Mystic Lore: Magic damage while active increased from 0 to 1%. Eternal Boots: Magic damage increased from 0 to 1%. Mage's Book: Magic damage increased from 0 to 2%. Ancient Wyvern Shield: Magic damage increased from 0 to 2%. Malediction Ward: Magic damage increased from 0 to 2%. Arcane Spirit Shield: Magic damage increased from 0 to 3%. Seers' Ring and Seers' Ring (i): Magic damage increased from 0 to 0.5% Elite Void Mage Set bonus: Magic damage increased from 2.5% to 5%. Other Item Adjustments Magic gear isn't the only thing that's changing! Various improvements to the Soulreaper Axe: Stacks will no longer be lost instantly upon switching weapon. Stacks will start decrementing after 20 ticks (12s) without attacking, up from 10 ticks (6s). When stacks naturally degrade, they'll heal you for the damage you took while building those stacks up, so long as you still have the Axe in your inventory. Inquisitor's Armour set pieces now provide +2.5% Accuracy and Damage when worn alongside an Inquisitor's Mace. Adjusted the Ancient Godsword's Special Attack: Healing from a successful Blood Sacrifice now heals for 15% of the target's maximum HP, up to a cap of 25 HP. Miscellaneous Combat-Adjacent Changes 'Minimum hit' has been adjusted. Now, if you pass an Accuracy check, any damage rolls of 0 are boosted up to 1. So, if your max hit is 3, you can roll 1, 1, 2 or 3 for damage. Note that you're still able to guarantee 0s via splashing and failing every Accuracy check. 😎 Enjoy the updates! 😎
    1 point
  14. Please read and make sure you understand the rules here at Roat Pkz. Rules breakers will not be tolerated and will be dealt with according to their offence immediately. Excessively breaking the rules may result in a permanent in-game or forum ban. Please abide by the rules, which can be read as follows: *Note: Minor offensive language (flaming) is allowed when pking, but please keep it to a minimum as you can still be punished if seen necessary. Pking is very competitive so minor flaming is, of course, very common. All other rules still apply, please take note of them below. Rules of Roat Pkz Rule #1: Impersonation of Others Players of the Roat Pkz community are not allowed to impersonate other members of the community, especially staff members. Impersonation of a staff member may lead to an automatic ban. In addition, those who impersonate others in attempts to get another player punished will be severely punished. Rule #2: Use of Cheat Clients or 3rd Party Software Player of the Roat Pkz community are not allowed to use any software that will render in a disadvantage to other players. This includes items such as DDoS Tools/Websites, Cheat Clients allowing personal advantages over other players, etc. Auto-clickers/macroing programs to bot actions on Roat Pkz (skilling, PvM, etc) are not allowed to be used either. This does also include the usage of programs/scripts like AHK. Rule #3: PKP Cheat or PKP Farming Players of the Roat Pkz community are not allowed to engage in any actions that will result in the unfair gain of PKP items and/or points. This includes actions such as farming or boosting, (player intentionally allows another player to kill them repeatedly for PKP and/or killstreak) and cheating of any kind that allows an unfair advantage towards gaining or obtaining PKP, as well as abusing voting and minigame exploits/mechanics. Rule #4: Offensive Language, Flaming, or Disrespect Players of the Roat Pkz community are not allowed to use language that may be considered offensive or obscene to other players in the community. This includes things such as excessive swearing, spamming, or harassment of any kind. Use of such language over yell is also highly problematic and players doing so will be punished accordingly (Use FFA yell to flame instead). Rule #4b: Discrimination Players of the Roat Pkz community are not allowed to discriminate against other players due to race, religious beliefs, gender expression, age, etc, that may make another player feel uncomfortable, isolated, or unwanted on Roat Pkz. This is seen as unjust or prejudice treatment and is considered highly offensive. #5 Account Hacking/Stealing. Players of the Roat Pkz community are not allowed to access and/or tampering with another player account(s) without consent, etc. #5b Item Scamming Scamming & Hacking. Scamming other players on Roat Pkz is not allowed. This does not include the likes of switching items in trade screens and switching rules whilst at the Duel Arena. But things like 'doubling pkp', luring or stealing items (trust trades, etc) is not allowed. In almost all cases you will not be refunded, however the player who scammed you will be punished. Punishments will range from black marks, account bans, and in some cases permanent account bans. Although scamming is sometimes allowed in relation to switching items in trade screens or switching rules at the Duel Arena, one can still be punished under certain circumstances (such as but not limited to, large amounts or reported frequently). If that happens to be the case, Staff may punish the player(s) involved. Staff may only proceed to take action once the player(s) involved have been warned and they continue to carry out the scam they were warned about, or any other scam. Rule #6: Deleterious Bug Abuse or Exploitation Player of the Roat Pkz community are not allowed to abuse or exploit any bugs or glitches that may cause an unfair advantage against other players, if you find any bugs please report them immediately. This includes but is not limited to actions such as noclipping in PvP or PvM areas whereas others cannot reach you during fights, using glitched items to become invisible during combat and/or duels, etc. Rule #7: Account Trading, Selling, or Sharing Players of the Roat Pkz community are not allowed to trade or sell any accounts. This includes but is not limited to any transactions regarding accounts within the Duel Arena. Trading or selling accounts will result in an immediate ban or permanent mute on your account. Account sharing is not recommended, but if you insist, any issues regarding sharing of accounts will not be dealt by the Roat Pkz Staff Team - this includes any form of rule-breaking the person you're sharing the account with might've effectuated. Rule #8: Roat Pkz Wealth & Account Transactions (Real World Trading) Players of the Roat Pkz community are not allowed to sell, buy, give, donate, or trade Roat Pkz items for any other currency or items non-related to Roat Pkz. Players attempting/initiating to Real World Trading is also punishable and it is highly recommended against. Scams resulting from breaking this rule is your own fault and will not be dealt by the Roat Pkz Staff Team. The only site were you are allowed to purchase Roat Pkz Items from is https://roatpkz.com/donate/. Purchasing it from any other source is against the rules. Rule #9: Advertising Players of the Roat Pkz community are not allowed to advertise for another server or website. Advertised sites may be malicious software and is highly recommended against visiting. Advertising will not be tolerated in-game, and will result in an immediate IpMute or IpBan. This rule also applies to non-verified Discord Servers in Public or Yell-chat as of 21. Jan 2023. Contact Gretar#0001 to verify your Discord Server. Rule #10 Privacy Rights Players of the Roat Pkz community are not allowed to release the personal information of another player without their explicit permission. This includes but is not limited to contact information (such as Skype, Facebook, Email, etc.), personal pictures, and other forms of real-life communication. Rule #11: Griefing Players of the Roat Pkz community are not allowed to grief/troll Castle Wars or any other action in-game. This includes but is not limited to going AFK inside of the mini-game, destroying barricades to allow the enemy past, or purposely allowing the other team to win due to your actions. This also applies to boxing in mini-games such as LMS. This also applies to attacking bosses in-game and intentionally raising their HP to make it harder for others to kil. Rule #12: Multi-logging in Wilderness Players of Roat Pkz community are allowed to have multiple accounts in the wilderness as long as they're not used for any type of PVP advantage against other players. Example given; Getting attacked on your main account and bringing an alternative account to fend off the player attacking your main account may result in a temporary user-ban. Rule #13: Ragging/Rushing Players of Roat Pkz community are not to rag or rush at Meth, Easts, Wests, Risk, Graves or Brid/Edgepvp. Punishments will be handed out on sight by staff if you're caught by them. Ragging and rushing at edge is OK until it becomes unbearable for players. Ragging and rushing includes but is not limited to, Excessively attacking another player that is not interested in fighting with you, repeatedly pjing a certain player, repeatedly fighting with overheads when the player asks not to use overheads & attacking then teleporting continuously, repeatedly teleblocking players and teleporting away, and requesting a fee in order to be 'allowed' to PVM. To report ragging or rushing at edge, video evidence of at least 10+ minutes of continuous ragging is needed. A 3 minute video is needed for else where. Rule #14: Spamming Players of the Roat Pkz community are not allowed to continuously spam yell or normal chat box. Players may do 1 buying or selling yell per minute. However, every 3 seconds in normal chat at home is permitted (use our autochat feature). This rule also applies for yells and auto-chats such as clan recruitment, which also must be once per minute, per clan or 1 person per teleport spot - so if another clan member has just advertised, all members of that clan must wait at least a minute before yelling to recruit again. Rule #15: Punishment Evasion Players of the Roat Pkz community are not allowed to evade any punishment that has been handed out to them by staff. This includes mac ban,ban,mute,jail,ipmute,ipban,etc. This will only lead to you being punished further and more severely. Rule #16: Bounty Hunter Farming / Emblem selling Players of the Roat Pkz community are not allowed to 'farm emblems' or sell emblem kills, farming emblems is when you set up so you always receive yourself or a partners account up with yours so you can easily gather emblems without a fight. Rule #17: Common Sense There are some things that you can be punished for, even if it isn't specified in the rules above. Most of the time whenever you find a "loophole" in one of the rules above, it will fall under this one, you will most likely know yourself when you're pushing those limits. Failure to follow the rules stated above may result in severe and/or permanent punishment.
    1 point
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