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Everything posted by rulesrrules

  1. 100-200k/resi? 400-500k/double zropper? Please consider boosting task completion rewards by 25-50% - this will give task doers more pkp per day and allow scrolls addicts like myself to pop cheaper.
  2. I think raising pet ca every year will allow more active trading on tp - currently 2020 pets and some later pets go for more than the 20x ca limit which keeps them off of tp - doubling pet ca every year that goes by or maybe increasing by 25-50% per year would allow for easier trading eg pets have 100k ca current limit in tp is 2m off 100k ca launch: 100k ca -> 2m tp limit 1 year later: 125-200k ca -> 2.5-4m tp limit 2 years later: 150-400k ca -> 3m-8m tp limit doesn't have to be absurd on ca hikes and can combat rwt through notif sys ingame but would help prospective buyers reach pet sellers without timezone/right place right time restrictions
  3. BHP has skyrocketed in the last week from 6 to 9 each with no end in sight. It may be wise to consider giving bounty hunters a higher payout on emblem or increasing the amount of bhp entering the game. There's a lot of ways to tackle this issue. I think the best way to tackle this is allowing a pkp purchase option on scrolls - this will combat the pkp inflation and may kill speculation on bhp hoarders but maybe the real issue is the lack of bhp coming into the game from outdated valuations on emblems. Events bring a lot of bhp into the game through boxes but these lulls and PKP #ROATFLATION are going to keep driving the price of BHP up due to deflationary scroll addict (im a scroll popper) pressure
  4. one regular scythe (~10m pkp) for you - pm me or respond here and I'll pm you *Please delete this - shout out rag bot for the hook up*
  5. I've heard some complaints about the amount of people pvming bosses/revs at royal zone causing beef so I have an idea! we double or quadruple the monsters by adding another floor with the same layout or the spin could be mixing up the layout that's why i'd like to double it and give it to the next person
  6. imagine if abdul would buy dupe skill/pvm or any pet for 100k pkp - would be pog for our dupes
  7. 07 has popular death match mechanics of dh, claws, etc - would be cool if duel had options for death matches instead of dds/whip, could have options for dh, claw, etc death matches that auto spawn the items during dm duels to revitalize staking for gambloooors
  8. we won't stand idly by and watch our pkp become worthless! im unsure of how we fix this but for all the homies with pk point tickets i have to speak up! tbow 20m? korasi 25m? royal 15m? it's time to raise rates!
  9. im hella biased i love this server too much and think everyone on the staff team does a great job.
  10. issue: we need a sick xmas event pet this is suggestions so please share what you think is cool pet wise ideas: 1. reindeer 2. pet slay w. a similar mechanic to pet death that says youve been slayed xxxxx when you or player dies 3. xmas tree 4. elf - makes toys or copies item ure wearing? 5. krampus - scary variant of santa
  11. story: currently royal is very annoying bc singles clans like ratgang will pass the victim off to another player before the timer kicks in - the blacklist and recent update don't help with this - their pvmers reap the rewards of royal and handicap non clan members which hurts royal players. conclusion: make royal pj timer longer than it takes to log out this would be a simple fix to clanners in royal abusing pvmers.
  12. pog update to allow fair pking and pvming
  13. pvp tracker for nerds to analyze (damage dealt/taken/overheads corrected/maybe style prayers used correctly etc) fights similar to 07
  14. ive maxed 3 accs pm ing @ 'rulesrrules' or post here but better to pm me and lmk what u want if u want me to skill ur acc ill only skill on server double xp and youll need xp scrolls if slayer ull need nieve scrolls on top of the xp scrolls prices will be negotiable based on demand - im efficient but not very active - i will promise u very efficient xp while i can play
  15. 07 has a toggle to prevent you from skulling while barraging/chinning - i just lost 24k at abbys in slayer dungeon bc one of the guys kept relogging and I left auto retaliate on. I realize it's a 'skill issue' and i got 200 iq outplayed but would be a nice update for the skillers after me. update: i lost a hydra slayer helm which was 46k to replace in tp from the skull trickers but at the end of the day you can only blame yourself - i hate to thwart pkers from having a good time when in reality skilling is a means to a end similar to pking being less about the pkp and more about the passion to do it - this update would be a double edged sword bc while pvmers save pennies pkers would lose out on the desire to do what they do - sometimes pvmers must sacrifice to derive what they gain vs the pkers that are incentivized to justify the dangerous element to everything so i have an appreciation for this samsara wheel that keeps us playing this game and gretar or coders if ure reading this me and everyone who plays this server appreciate you so i think in hindsight this was a emotion thralled moment i experienced in hopes of saving pennies in front a freight train that i think is justified bc pkers deserve the element of reward to risk pvmers take on to get massive xp gains
  16. just want to say i think this server is amazing and yall are doing a mighty fine job, keep it up. cheers.
  17. im surprised to hear you say that - i thought it was a great idea
  18. so the issue is most of us are poor, poor is relative right, einsteins theory of relativity but the problem! we can't afford server double drops or xp! so we crowdfund it! imagine - crowdfunded double drops or xp, discounted? maybe? pls good sersky? that's it.
  19. current cost is unobtainable, need better ingame money makers
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