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Everything posted by Kihfan55

  1. They are the richest players
  2. Kihfan55


    Ur so funny pkmafia8 : P
  3. @raja kredre @giedriusman @Gretar @Taylor
  4. I think gied4life could prob do that 2 u
  5. @raja kredre raja eske for max
  6. 5 TABS IM CRYINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG L00000000000000000000L And by getting a kill, did you mean like this or would I have to get someone to go on my acc like u did for it to count?
  7. To make someone realize, "hmm, maybe I'm not very good!" For Lee, that # was undiscovered because he kept running through tabs like it was his job, getting saved by the server to prevent him from dying Video is just tabs (not even all of them lol), I didn't go through and pick every part where he should've died
  8. waiting for u to log back in men logadion is ::gorillas (1 acc) ::home lvl 3 men
  9. how about when u tried ragging me loc?
  10. what he made me get and cried "r0fl downgear??" cause I was in max.. I told him to get max "lmfao max and my bnak from ur team ! just gonna lefted it there . Disrespect ." + now he's afk cause i just battered him lol
  11. Rontti isn't in villi nor has he ever pked with us dumb fuck LOL and southeast and rsn xello are the same people look how stupid u look
  12. Found this in the archives LOL, back when he was just a lost edge pker who accidently typed ::easts ;l
  13. Wasn't on 2day so just taking the word of my team but I guess u can have it lol
  14. I wasn't in reducers so idk but here's sophia dying and now he pks with us so a lot can change lol I didn't even know shortty still played, ive only spoken to him at kbd ::brid
  15. well at least my tsg idk about the one after I left but hes not villi 100%
  16. Not tsg ive never seen him outside of ::brid ngl
  17. Our team actually has respect for one another so idk which team u think u know lol ask m3rked for urself
  18. I knew it wasn't you on the acc...? I have a clip of me in my pms talking about how it wasn't u on the acc b4 code killed me? gif so I can't edit.. @ the pms Just kept fighting cause he was so free edit: also Lee u said clips were coming? How are you going to manage that? You realize we are going to see: 1. you won't have 5 brews which u claim u did, ur 'reasoning' behind hiding ur invent 2. Your invent is going to mirror Code's 3. Your quality is going to be completely different Also I have 2 more distinct reasons incase you can manipulate those 3 but I'm sure you're just going to come with some bizarre excuse as to what happened with the clips, so just spit it out Just admit it wasn't you on the account you freak
  19. Also on roat he takes 15 mins to restock and on oss he restocked fast af lol obv not u lee ur a freak fr
  20. 1. Never have I "bragged about people thinking I'm an insane hybrid" 2. I asked you a question about yourself so why don't you mind answering it? What makes you think your opinion matters in who's good/not? If you don't understand what my question is getting at, it's that you're dog shit and your opinion does not matter but I'd love to hear how you think you gained any amount of relevancy from Lee's friend who staff risks 15 hrs a day (I only/mostly mystic-barrows on diff server) killing me??
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