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Local Arab

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Everything posted by Local Arab

  1. Sanity why you talking shit mate? https://gyazo.com/bc61af858dba568e19fb6093b2ad42f6 - Saying i'm lightwork? When the only account I have access to are Redemptionx3, Local Arab, Nancy, Qrow and few others saying I am light is a statement based on nothing more than pure ignorance and stupidity. https://gyazo.com/1b78ec410c0ca3e4e1caf2faa6c935df - Saying I am easy? Why is it your saying i'm easy rather than your friends? Because when I come face to face with you at Easts your mates butt in to save your ass. You have legit fought me at Easts because you let your friends kill me? So you have no reason to say your easy... https://gyazo.com/2351c8e9360020b7ee258d6b2e2305dc - Saying you have kill pics of you killing me on Local Arab, when last I checked I came out of quit yesterday and I remember dropping you several times with the accounts "Arabunit" and "Local Arab" and I do not remember dying to someone with your name? Staff could look into this. https://gyazo.com/ffd6468c45ee0fcffd4fc7f377b80e31 - You agreed to show screen shots of me dying to your account 1 hr now mate still nothing? I believe you only agreed to show screen shots in an attempt to look bigger in front of your mates be happy staff stepped in as I was going to roast your ass. If you have said screenies please post below. Cheers. I mean hell we can go by what Ahmash said most kills it's clear as to who wins... You - https://gyazo.com/cbf8ddb976cd7fb1fa322a831e89c9a1 Me - https://gyazo.com/b03eaa0a06ee0afc64d3affa2126154b https://gyazo.com/3523b83676656d3e4f5054c8b4f20fea https://gyazo.com/6348b5394e482e7cdec65ed6edda2d45 https://gyazo.com/969b14be84fc3185c76a8b1b8c32756a https://gyazo.com/1da8bcdc6a000fb4b7d1c48ceb10a152 Still need to continue Sanity?
  2. I think he means adamant claws etc making them non spawnable only obtainable through boxes and you would need them to defeat a certain boss if one is added as those claws would be only weapon to kill said bosses and probably lower the chances of getting them? Hope im on the right track but not sure.
  3. Support that would honestly be nice if Gretar fixes that.
  4. All I'm saying is the staff member should provide evidence for banning someone so everyone can look it over and there won't be bitching about staff abuse if a public topic in reports is made by a staff member as to why they banned muted said player so all can see there was a legit reason...
  5. @Gretar honestly I believe if a player is muted banned or w.e then the staff member has to take bloody screen shots of what they did wrong and post them in the report section on forums using the correct format because still players are clueless as to why they got banned or w.e so Gretar you even told me in email you were fixing the report system etc and players can't get muted banned etc without good proof so I don't know how graphics muted my acc Qrow when all I said was that he was scared of Yoobs anyhow apparently it is still an issue I believe if mod admin w.e bans player post the reason they banned muted said player in reports and make it public and if that player appeals 48 hours latter I honestly would expect another staff member to check over screen shots other staff member provided and see if their appeal should be accepted or not. I say that because a staff member that banned you in first place might have something against the player me for example Yoobs always declines my appeals even though I was banned for stating an opinion or w.e and you Gretar know it was an unjustified punishment reason you have to take time out of ur day to un ban my accounts for someone else's stupidity and I thank you Gretar legend Zoradz Mike Robes and smackd for being fair as you all hate me in some way yet you have even listened to my side and come to a conclusion that my bans mutes etc were crappy reasons so you all helped me and thank you for everything and being fair I hope this never changes with you guys . Yoobs made a big mistake by joining a clan whilst being a staff member which honestly is a big no no considering the fact that his clan and others are two positive energies they push away from eachother so Yoobs wants to clear out the kids that conspire against st him all because he can honestly Gretar as soon as a player says that a staff member has abused them you should check chat logs if you don't have them get them and check the chat logs during the time the issue happened see if the staff member attacked first or not. Staff abusing is a major issue on this game and it should not be taken lightly as I think on e some eo even mentions staff abuse I think it should be investigated on what happened and just cause staff member says they didn't attack first with flame or w.e doesn't mean it's true chat logs could strongly assist with the staff abuse issue to see what really is going on plase take this into mind Gretar and Legend.
  6. Damn we had are ups and downs but this is not what I ever wanted to occur you have multiple friends on here so make sure you come back to chat to them.
  7. If you all think players attack Yoobs first your wrong here are multiple examples of him attacking first I will not post them all for Yoobs privacy here are said examples... Yoobs banning a player for Guessing his age - https://gyazo.com/eadbf362d0ac7651e4829508809d8116 Yoobs flaming me in his warning message after banning me from Forums - https://gyazo.com/d5ac7d2320f53769209712bc4059e786 Yoobs banning me for standing up for a player that did nothing - https://gyazo.com/92a4ed3dcbca462f7fec39f1eb72e406 - https://gyazo.com/b32773147109ca86ff9f24be34e36067 - https://gyazo.com/ec064555792da1e67a4383c3d352cd11 Gretar Unbanning me due to Yoobs's aggressive behavior - https://gyazo.com/682ea981d6accf95ffb4a9264d097a08 Last one - Yoobs did not realize nor was he told Gretar un banned my account so Yoobs re banned my account Arab - https://gyazo.com/9ff7042e96354cb835d873bad0e463b3 then I login to an alt and in quotes i said "Yoobs wtf Gretar unbanned me" then instantly banned my alt for no reason which was never banned in the first place? - https://gyazo.com/07318cb0a11e8d140d100af712f6f4c7 So those of which think Yoobs does not flame first you are clearly wrong... don't talk unless you have no clear picture fucking proof i'm out peace. My work here is done.
  8. Pedro what happened ur bae got demoted because of his fucking stupidity? too bad :,(
  9. Oh fuck yeah you obv know which I voted.
  10. Local Arab

    Welp :P

    I have been waiting for this for so long been a lot of fun will be quitting not perm but taking long ass break before my mind blows Thank you Killbob eliza, Prins s, perm mute and wings for all the support throughout all the years as your really only ones i could have a meaningful conversation with hope you come back to take Yoobs's Admin Mike would be nice to have you back. and thank you King Aboose for all the fun throughout my time here you really pissed me off. P.S don't post here Yoobs as I have no issue logging back in to blow your crib up again trust me mate These bad boys will be waiting the next time you walk into your little spot in rpkz https://gyazo.com/906709d1c3720d121b5ccae948610bec Yoobs does not own any of you oh yeah what was it you said to me on forums when you banend me first time Yoobs? ohhh yeahh "Cya rodent rat fuck" will return though.
  11. Still thought players get punished and they don't even know why and some staff don't tell them why in game so they will never know what it is they did wrong if they dont know they cant stop right? staff should have to psot the report on forums then give the player ban mute etc after
  12. @Gretar When players must appeal they have to say who muted or banned them and most of the time they do not know. Honestly I believe if a staff member mutes bans etc a player they would have to use report format in report section and that staff member fills out the report on forums and must show proof of said player breaking any sort of rules I do believe this would make the punishment system more efficient. Please consider this Gretar
  13. I agree please fix this Gretar.
  14. Add Rockcake that works and lowers your hp to 5 at lowest or add chemical compound to drop 2 of them to get you to 1 hp or something as many disagreed with rock cake because DH was spawnable and brids were scured of being bombed all day but now DH is 150 pkt street no one will really do it a lot as pkt is scarce atm so not many would DH bomb
  15. Gretar may I have a refund I did not get my 72 virgins. :,( https://gyazo.com/b3a866daa6d6e0999607f07cc5009c9b k thanks
  16. Arab Bankers to make banks look less bland - https://gyazo.com/94254d6139a43fb1f0a1bdaa05a08056 Add these pictures to the walls on building in bank tacos etc - https://gyazo.com/1926ae59891d7a6e3b6c554784f35da3 Add Barrel Bombs to Alharid Temple thing inside stacked up in a corner or something - https://gyazo.com/05527220d0a9efcc61ad23b3e693ffda Working Karams pl0x Make chaotic maul for use in pking as it honestly is not a pvm item as players mainly donated for them OR Make God Swords more accurate to replace c maul buff accuracy on bgs sgs zgs to same but give ags tad bit more accuracy then spawnable god swords because ags goes for 4k and I feel as if i wasted my my time getting it. :\ i hit more with claws tbh. Also make it like osrs you can right click 1 of the 4 pillars at portals in wildy and click 55 13 27 44 etc so you can get to places easier its like that in osrs
  17. Yeah Maybe you had been hacked I was hacked few others had been as well. Best to set an email onto your account just in case your account has been hacked ::setemail (Email)
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