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Everything posted by Smoothie

  1. So last year I got diagnosed with crohn's disease (sit clrd). It's an inflammatory bowel disease that can affect your whole stomach system. The disease is autoimmune which means that my immune system is being arabic and attacks my own organs in my body. Today i take pills everyday and a shot (once every second week) I wonder if you guys know any people with this kind of disease and how they are doing. Maybe you got someone older (50+) that has this disease? I am interested in how their life has been😀 Do you guys have any diagnos/disease? If you do which one and how does it affect your life
  2. I would say Smokey dr4g0nb0ys0n drawers freebies terzey
  3. While watching @Smackd and @Ahmash brid I got good ideas about things that would keep pking more active and more fun. My suggestion is that everytime you recieve another 1k kills you should be rewarded with a pking box. Every pking box should contain random pking items from Mazchna, like ags, serp, barrow itemss, Claws etc. You should get like a bulk (15-25 items) from the pk box and the items would be random. Problems with this type of suggestion is that people would be farming more. Another suggestion is to add different skulls above your head and not only the red one. Like when you get 25 ks you get a red skull and when you get 75 ks you get blue one etc. What do you guys think?
  4. Very nice!!! Enjoyed watching it 😃
  5. Hahahahahahhaa 1. Du ljuger 2. Hade ni haft 1m hade jag inte brytt mig för du hade förlorat de till sist. 3. De finns ingen split. Du e alla konton. Negerslav
  6. I have always wondered why everyone are full of hate in this server? Like i've played many different servers but this is the only one with so much beef loooool😂 And the players are sooo cocky forreal... Today I staked a kid, streaked him and every stake that I won i was like "gf". Then when he won he says "Sit the fuck down ty for donations" i'm like ???????????????????????????? And do you know what I hate??? All those goddamn beggers... like IT'S ROATS???? Easiest game to rebuild on I don't get Why people are so autistic THERE IS NO NEEED TO BEG and booooi let me tell you things about these arabs.. when you type "staking 100k" and they challenge you and put like 837 pkp. WHEN YOU SAY 100k. AND THEN WHEN YOU DECLINE THEY CALL U A PUSSY BDIEÖFNDKDKKENEE this game needs Oprah, dr Phil, Jesus, Mohamed and Buddha forreaaal each day playing this game is a day with less hair
  7. Smoothie


    I enjoy reading this topic
  8. I remember when I first joined Roatpkz, which was a loooong time ago. My first goal was to pk enough of players to buy a dragonfire shield for 120 pkp. Then it was to get a statius set and a pair of dragon claws for 1000 pkp. Am I the only one who felt like a boss when i had a statius set and dragon claws?😂 This game is so weird tbh. Even if you hate it you can't leave it. I am sure many of us have taken breaks and then came back hehe I have no idea why I write this but I just wanted to say that the old days were the best days of roatpkz. When we risk fought p hats at jail, when nobody wanted to risk vs h'weens and when people hated riskers with purple p hats 😂. I remember watching stijn (legend aka legends pure) risk black p hats and when I was Chris's (dr4g0nb0ys0n) biggest fan because he was a good pker and I was the biggest noob loool but i learnt to pk quickly. Well I still suck on bridding and nhing though My only talents were to shemale people for pixels looooool. Who remembers I am ashley? 😂 Do you guys remember fghjg? His rng was always on point lmao What do you miss the most about roatpkz?
  9. I will try :D And no it's camtasia 8 Ska se hur man gör, tack b
  10. Thanks! I never use rune pouch when i melee fight hehe LOL he logged in yesterday and flamed me. Funny thing is that I rebuilded and would give back but meh he was acting so much aids
  11. Hey guys! So I decided to make my first pking video and here it is :) It's my first video and i've never edited before, still trying to figure out everything about camtasia.. well I hope it's solid and that you enjoy! I made like 19 clips buuut i'm a retard and deleted some of them by misstake, I just clicked everywhere smh... Oh well it's still around 4 minutes long, enjoy :)
  12. men jag kan inte gå in asså det är fel på min client haha... vet inte hur jag ska fixa de
  13. Hey guys, it's me smoothie! some of you know me i believe, been here since 2k11-12 but i've been taking biiiig breaks so two months ago I tried to log in but like it's wrong with my client and I have no idea what to do I was going to create a new forum account but i've been to lazy lolz sooooooo WHAT SHALL I DO?? i really miss this server and the arabs that gave me a big headache =)
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