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Roat Pkz Information

  • Roat Pkz Username
    Purple Beard

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  1. Hopefully you don't die to a 55 ags spec to craig lol.
  2. You talk about peoples irl's but have yet to have posted yours lol.
  3. Good thread. I was luring you guys down and made it out. I came back and died in multi.
  4. Feel like entangles need a tweak. almost impossible to splash if your entangling someone. and the spear needs to be coded properly if not removed from the game till then. you can spear someone and hit them 3 times before the opponent can move/eat/w.e...
  5. "just a group of friends" This thread says otherwise.
  6. Lol we come online to play when other server is dead and its always 4 of us what are you even saying
  7. Before 3 days ago I hadn't logged on roat for more than 8-9 months. No one here is trying to be "known" lol when people already know me.
  8. Who's trying to be relevant? Last time I checked you have more hours clocked in on this server compared to me lol. Also with the fact that you have "so much going on for you irl" why bother even replying. Ik you have veins popping out your head of your frustrated you are.
  9. It's funny how the real tryhards that you will see online every single day for atleast 10+ hours straight is trying to say they don't take the game seriously. Don't play yourself.
  10. You calling people irrelevant but who are you? Being stereotypical doesn't boost your rep at all also lol.
  11. Why are all you idiots acting like you don't take the game seriously? You spend 15+ hours of your day online trying to spear tb kids at easts all day then have the audacity to say you're not a tryhard. You talking shit about other people yet what do you do lol?
  12. Brandon the owner of PH lol and more known than you on roat & any other rsps you'd like to name
  13. & I have something to say to this. PH was originally opened by Jake & I making it OUR TEAM. The re-made PH that you retards decided to open using my team name while I was not playing is on y'all, Idk what made you think you can make a team that was already open and have the audacity to say "collective of friends." If that team were to still be ran with the same leadership it originally started with, half the retards on the ML wouldn't be there including you.
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