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Everything posted by trihard456

  1. I got a little cocky near the end in that first fight. Knew I shoulda started safing up but decided not to
  2. Ya magic is op af, especially max with ahrim+ regardless of your gear but to be fair, your magic bonus was probably nearly on par with the welfare brids because augury and I'm guessing like 50 magic bonus. I think magic is fine till like we reach magic bonus above 120 or so then it gets retarded. There's already a lot of splashing with pure nh. Outside of that, still waiting for equipment bonuses to be fixed because stuff like kraken whip is extremely op
  3. I miss pure pking but seems to be dead with the exception of maybe 1 person standing there waiting or 2 people there fighting for awhile. Some people think bh did nothing to affect pure pking, others do like myself. I personally would like to have bounty hunter disabled for first time loggers because when bh first came out, most pures just boosted their combat 5 or so levels to gain an advantage from the pre set combat level then it just died out. Making pure tribrid set up to 83 combat was a nice touch in a way but hasn't done much for other pure pkers. I've only been playing this server for almost a year so idk if pure pking has been dead like this before or not but I spoke to someone recently that said pure pking used to be packed a year ago. (Showing that it's empty in pure side)
  4. I haven't corped in awhile on this server but I noticed there are a butt load of ents near the cave and I tried entering it but an Ent attacked me, preventing me from going in. Asking to move them a little further from cave or remove them all together.
  5. Well the guy might be brewed down in the defense of the magic system
  6. Nice update but why not add the charge spell tho
  7. I should not have tempted your tber to tb me a 2nd time in one inventory x]. But I made the mistake of not using serum before i brewed down cause I was venomed on the spider.
  8. Was true tho. Was thanksgiving day so I needed to be up awhile and it was my first day off of the week. Fell asleep at 6 pm, woke up at 4 am yesterday :^)
  9. Tomorrow. Pick a time like 10 hrs from now. Been up for nearly 20 hrs today
  10. trihard123. 99.9% sure I've fought you a few times.
  11. It was literally the same person more than half the vid and we all know ezpz risk is ezpz death. I think I fought you a few times the other day as well. I see I'm not in the vid :^)
  12. As long as it's like ragdefence where if a person has ragdefence on that you nor the other person can attack each other if one doesn't have enough playtime. Otherwise, I think it should be changed to like one very achievement risk like 250 (barrows pretty much). There's a ::risk area for a reason. It's silly to not being able to attack someone in deep wilderness, for example, because they have the luxury to risk while someone else might not.
  13. gz on what many ppl had like 3 weeks ago
  14. Lol, I'm The Jigaboo. I saw the whole thing. I was thinking of pjing ezpz cause I thought you dced or some shit but you started to move so I said fuck it. I almost killed Ezpz twice yesterday in one fight after that. Also, sophia is trash
  15. dh and ags are fine. Claws seem wonky to me though. They are shit against pures but good against people with defense. I don't understand it.
  16. The past 2 days, I've had a random dc in a fight where my client has froze. I've never had this problem with any other server. Thus losing my kill streaks. Has anyone had this problem. It's very frustrating that this occurs on this server and no other server.
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