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Everything posted by Mead

  1. lol Inevitable ? Why does a level 21 Guard Npc want a tent? (money sink) 6 years Roat pkz at night The end
  2. Video gifs are now watchable without clicking the links
  3. morrigans stat legs hahahahhee xherhrehedheeeeeeeeedhedddddddddheeeeeeeeeexdddddddxdxdxxxxxdddddddddddddd3
  4. Decided to show the current state of Roat Pkz 317 combat with another thread it'll be highlighting what is wrong and what needs to be fixed urgently. Source: http://oldschoolrunescape.wikia.com/wiki/Hit_delay Magic Roat Pkz 317 On Current Roat Pkz 317 it takes 4 ticks from the point of casting on one square this is a bug because in these 4 ticks you can over eat food making for delayed combat where your waiting to be damaged but by the time you have been damaged by the 4 game tick delay it's too late to regenerate health. As said before in the Hit Delay picture above it should be 1 sq distance = 2 game ticks (1.2 seconds). OSRS Game Code for Magic Hit Delay formula if(c.usingMagic) { // magic hit delay int pX = c.getX(); int pY = c.getY(); int nX = Server.playerHandler.players.getX(); int nY = Server.playerHandler.players.getY(); int offX = (pY - nY)* -1; int offY = (pX - nX)* -1; c.castingMagic = true; c.projectileStage = 2; if(c.MAGIC_SPELLS[c.spellId][3] > 0) { if(getStartGfxHeight() == 100) { c.gfx100(c.MAGIC_SPELLS[c.spellId][3]); } else { c.gfx0(c.MAGIC_SPELLS[c.spellId][3]); } } if(c.MAGIC_SPELLS[c.spellId][4] > 0) { c.getPA().createPlayersProjectile(pX, pY, offX, offY, 50, 78, c.MAGIC_SPELLS[c.spellId][4], getStartHeight(), getEndHeight(), -i - 1, getStartDelay()); } if (c.autocastId > 0) { c.followId = c.playerIndex; c.followDistance = 5; } c.hitDelay = getHitDelay(c.getItems().getItemName(c.playerEquipment[c.playerWeapon]).toLowerCase()); c.oldPlayerIndex = i; c.oldSpellId = c.spellId; c.spellId = 0; Client o = (Client)Server.playerHandler.players; if(c.MAGIC_SPELLS[c.oldSpellId][0] == 12891 && o.isMoving) { //c.sendMessage("Barrage projectile.."); c.getPA().createPlayersProjectile(pX, pY, offX, offY, 50, 85, 368, 25, 25, -i - 1, getStartDelay()); } if(Misc.random(o.getCombat().mageDef()) > Misc.random(mageAtk())) { c.magicFailed = true; } else { c.magicFailed = false; } /** * Weapon and magic attack speed! **/ public int getAttackDelay(String s) { if(c.usingMagic) { switch(c.MAGIC_SPELLS[c.spellId][0]) { case 12871: // ice blitz case 13023: // shadow barrage case 12891: // ice barrage return 5; default: return 5; /** * How long it takes to hit your enemy **/ public int getHitDelay(String weaponName) { if(c.usingMagic) { switch(c.MAGIC_SPELLS[c.spellId][0]) { case 12891: return 4; case 12871: return 6; default: return 4; } } else { } public int getRequiredDistance() { if (c.followId > 0 && c.freezeTimer <= 0 && !c.isMoving) return 2; else if(c.followId > 0 && c.freezeTimer <= 0 && c.isMoving) { return 3; } else { return 1; } Ranged Roat Pkz 317 Old code says It's 3 game ticks (1.8 seconds) Everywhere. When it should be 3 ticks for 3 sq's distance instead and 1 Distance should equal 2 ticks, (if PID applies it'll be one tick) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0H9XeNkiDs Lets look at the Magic Short bow for an example taken from old source code case 861: // magic short c.usingBow = true; c.bowSpecShot = 1; c.rangeItemUsed = c.playerEquipment[c.playerArrows]; c.getItems().deleteArrow(); c.lastWeaponUsed = weapon; c.startAnimation(1074); c.hitDelay = 3; = 3 game ticks 1.8 seconds. (No distances are included in the code) c.projectileStage = 1; c.specAccuracy = 1.50; c.hitDelay = getHitDelay(c.getItems().getItemName(c.playerEquipment[c.playerWeapon]).toLowerCase()); if (c.fightMode == 2) c.attackTimer--; if (c.playerIndex > 0) fireProjectilePlayer(); else if (c.npcIndex > 0) fireProjectileNpc(); break; Projectile Ranged Melee When casting barrage then using special (or any melee combat weapon) vs your opponent from one square you're able to stack hits because of the hit delay that roat pkz has this is wrong and nothing like OSRS it should only be via distance only: Special Attack distance w/ Magic & Melee Hit delay bug Result Taking into account the distance Hit delay that OSRS uses on Roat Pkz it doesn't exist as it is has not been written into the code making for "unrealistic" enough combat that people on this server think is the norm, you're playing with obvious combat bugs that shouldn't be there and makes no sense making this server a "OSRS" server if you can't get the fundamentals of a combat system right. Should focus on fixing your combat on the current game as these are very easy fixes to do for a pk server and can be fixed within 30 minutes and not 6 years. Other Threads
  5. ethos uno wtf is this shit server ppl like this really making pk suggestions im dead af
  6. Miss me with that Water Cape nonsense lolll joke server
  7. garbage server garbage server
  8. garbage server garbage server
  9. Okay so how about we make Mage combat tick 2 more ticks longer? would be sick right?
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