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Everything posted by l DONT NOW

  1. They’re not saying good stuff HAHAHAHA shoot urself in the face you fucking faggot 😂😂😂 shut your ass up @Same Sea I don’t need roat pkz fame
  2. yeah, people talk about you even your friends say you're super gay
  3. Lool suicidal estonian yute get off my dick you've been saying that for 7 years and I barely respond to u, u'd literally murder ur own family for my attention what a clown "relli smokky!!??" HAHAHA btw I'm not white that's u, not blonde either fucking emo LMFAO ur gay not as cool to brag about what experience u have on 07 anymore is it
  4. look here som, i’m gonna teach you something I don’t need to lie to random ass people who i’m never gonna meet about my life, I’ve seen what you’ll never see you used to constantly tell me how you never leave ur house LMFAO btw i don’t play roatz no more idk what ur talking about and I 1 tick 8 ways btw just for the record (has anyone ever seen you pk tho?) someone bought a roat pkz account for 15m and it definitely wasn’t me 😂😂😂 yh go ahead bro. Actually no, let me. i don’t know SHIT about pvming or questing, cuz i never do it and i don’t play rs anymore so i’d have no use for it anyway, but yo pyd, i’ll let u brag about what you’ve accomplished on RS nerd ”Ur fucking swedish” shootings happen everywhere, even in the most unexpected places you’re a weird white yute who thinks i’m a therapist and talks to me about how he hates vegetables LMAO btw uk is safer than sweden imo... like by alot🤷🏽‍♂️
  5. Yh bro i definitely need friends on a rsps🤦🏽‍♂️😂 fuck outta here
  6. U got jumped by 2 ppl and skyped me ”hey bro i got fucked up today heres a pic of my blood” dont talk to me
  7. No that’s why u gave my account away that I lent u
  8. You changed 07 pass, and gave the account to same sea l000000000000000000000000l and I said same sea bought it off you (which he did, not snitching but if u wanna take it public, then let's do it)
  9. What you talking about you clown
  10. How is it not LOL look at his other videos he’s 9920 x slower @Gretar
  11. Because I’m not autistic and can handle doing 2 things at the same time🌚
  12. Why are you posting this when he’s faster than you
  13. Lool we all think it’s shit but we still play it
  14. LOOOOOOL don’t open ur mouth mr 4 pkp when I click that thingn that announces but 20m in bank
  15. Förståeligt (Tänker skriva på svenska så inte alla börjar svara på min åsikt) Jag tror att det finns många som TROR att dom känner dig eller kanske har gett dig något litet förut och förväntar sig värsta grejen tillbaka... Onödigt inlägg. Bara ignorera folk som ber om grejer Synd att mitt namn inte är bland 3At och Gied🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️
  16. Loool 💯 👌 100% true best thing u’ve said so far
  17. Not u Lol he is LMFAO
  18. 1). Not that easy you fucking INBRED, say you’re in a hybrid fight and the guys risking 20k, you SHOULD get the kill but the guy protects on your spec. Would you not be mad about that? (Happens when I fight you guys btw) 2). ??? Eat a dick 3). Nah, u go do that yh my reason is it’s not a part pf hybridding, if u can’t outeat a spec ur a SHIT BRID stop bridding it’s 2018
  19. LOOOOL IDGAF IF IT HAS UR TALKING ABOUT 07 ur braindead I don’t wanna record for 10 minutes just to report one of you weirdos I put myself in charge. I’ve been hybridding longer than anyone on this game) I just have way more brain cells than you, it’s u and ur boys who put protection prayer cuz u can’t out eat a spec (just stop bridding lad)
  20. Bro, I’m not arguing, I’m teaching you You’re saying ”Oh, tabs and prayers exist on 07 so why shouldn’t we use it here?” well in that case let’s remove that VLS you voted to get, it’s not on 07 is it? Using protection prayers is not a part of hybridding, if you can’t control your hp, either learn to or don’t brid LOL ikr, then they wanna keep it that way 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤣
  21. Only read the top That’s not the same? How can you compare tab to protection prayer You’re not supposed to use overhead prayers in a hybrid fight
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