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Found 15 results

  1. Hello roatzers, Yesterday 22.07.2023 "viewing" aka "run" scammed me for 4.5m roatz pkp, I let him hold my pkp [Because I thought I was going to be jailed for getting busted for alting in giveaways (Im not proud, sorry about that)] Here are some screenshots (they are in estonian feel free to believe what I translate them into or google translate them) (tsutscam is me & AUDACITY is viewing's discord) (PS FOR GIVEAWAY WRITE ANYTHING IN COMMENTS AND ILL USE RANDOM GENERATOR TO PICK 2 WINNERS TODAY AT 00:00 ESTONIAN TIME) (Im not a gambler so I will 100% still have that 500k pkp to give away on 25th GL EVERYONE) + I will post proof of paying out Here he says for me to let him hold my pkp incase I get jailed for alt (me as a idiot who didn't really care did it ( even less proud of this than alting L0L) Here I say I will give him 2m to begin with, he says that if smth goes bad I will still have this 2m & he is flexing that he has staff member as a friend (dozard) & he says sinister is useless mod who doesnt do anything. here he flexes his friendship with staff again, and he says that I am so lucky that he is holding my pkp for when I get jailed. Here he says that he is not a dickhead he doesn't gamble with any of his friend's money, (during this conversation I traded him another 2.5m, totaling it up to 4.5M pkp) õ At this point I have realized what has happened and that he has gambled my PKP because he just randomly went off for 6h without a word. So I said ok pussy, you lost it all and now u are so scared that u wont even show ur face anymore? & he replied with : Yes I chucked all ur money and I dont give a fuck, I had no rng. ALSO he said that NO HE IS NOT SCARED ( when I wrote to him his irl name and asked him to meet me up irl he was shaking in his mothers apartment where he lives) ++++++++++ BONUS CLOWN SCREENSHOT INCOMING +++++++++++++++++++++++++ He claimed to have so much money he don't care about anything , he can do anything he wants buy anything he wants (basically implying that he is financially free) because he is making 25k/MONTH with ANDREW TATE'S hustlers university tips or whatever (he claimed to trade crypto) HOWEVER youtuber "KLKA" said in his roatz live that "viewing" HAD begged him in Facebook for 200€ loan for 2months. MANS MAKING 25k A MONTH AND BEGGING FOR 200€ LOANS IRL YESSIR L0000000L (his vod is not available on youtube, but I am sure he would confirm this when u ask him about it lol) I will add trade logs in comments if staff member allows me to have them IF VIEWING/RUN WANTS ME TO TAKE THIS POST DOWN YOU WILL HAVE TO PAY ME ALL MY MONEY BACK; U KNOW MY FACEBOOK AND MY INGAME PMS ARE OPEN BUDDY ;)
  2. Show support like/comment IGN for 100k PKP giveaway, rolling when I release next video
  3. Another vid of 07 lms wins with 200k giveaway. To enter the giveaway, all you have to do is: 1. Like the video. 2. Comment your ign. 3. Subscribe to the channel. Winners of this and previous video will be announced within a week.
  4. Some 07 lms wins with 200k in game giveaway. To enter the giveaway, all you have to do is: 1. Like the video. 2. Comment your ign. 3. Subscribe to the channel
  5. Episode 2 is out! + new giveaway at the end of that, please comment any feedback on the series and anything new to add/change.!!
  6. What is up guys thank you for stopping by the channel I hope you guys enjoy the video Be sure to enter the giveaway as well! I know it's not a lot but I love giving back to the community What is being given away 3x Ags 1000 PKP VIDEO ENDS AT 06:30! I forgot to do that I apologize
  7. Been thinking about doing this for a while what do u guys think about roatz top 10s if you have any decent clips from roats and u want too be featured send them too [email protected] Any clips welcome wether its pvm or PvP the more extreme the content the higher the rank out of the 10. Make sure u send me the rights too use your clips. Thanks for your time hope too see a fuck load of clips. Stay woke. Prize for 1st place is: 40k pkp❤️ Prize for second place is: arcane spirit shield ❤️
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AZACKz-tlQ&feature=youtu.be
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=baFRGDb5S7E&feature=youtu.be
  11. Hey all, Decided to do a giveaway on the forums since I haven't seen one for a while. Just comment a number 1-100 down below and I will pick up the winner. You guys will have 24 hours to comment. Price will be 50,000 pkp goodluck =)
  12. Hello guys wanted to share this picture from the todays event (Giveaway)! ] I'll be doing events/giveaways everyday, dont miss out the TONIGHTS give away :)! Clan chat : Bunq!
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