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Won Stake then He Regenerated to 99HP

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Hey this exact same thing happened in another thread and the player got refunded. Was mage boxing, killed him and won but then he regenerated to 99hp and killed me. Have screenshots of me killing him then him winning the duel. Please refund me like you did with the player in the other thread, I have the same screenshots of getting the kill and him dying then losing duel

Name of the Rule Breaker: Seig
Rule Broken: Glitched in duel arena (mage box)
In-game or Forums: game
Date: 08/06/2017
Proof: Screenshots below
Private: No








Edited by Tom Dwan
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Players were told about this bug, the bug can work both ways with this mage boxing , you could have been the person who glitched just as well as him. DON'T MAGE BOX IT'S THAT SIMPLE. Furthermore the way to get a refund is to email [email protected], in the email paste the link to this thread and any other information you want to add. Sorry about this. 

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