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  3. I agree, with how the new bosses are lottery drops, maybe its time to change the clue requirements to "do 500 damage to Callisto, venenatis, vetion"
  4. GA Code is in the description!
  5. Hardly. Nobodies opening caskets unless they are going for completion log.
  6. Runelite client not released for Linux as far as I know, no matter what configuration of wine I try it hangs when loading plugin 23/50 or 29/50. I'm like 78% sure I can't remove said plugins without source. pls fixxx <3
  7. Would be cool to see this, similar to OSRS weekly highlights. 👍
  8. Last week
  9. nice idea brother, looking forward to seeing the results!
  10. Whether you're a PKER/GAMBLER/PVMER this post is for you! I am introducing a weekly competition for all Roat Pkz USERS - All you have to do is submit your best clips to me on discord ' hasbrownn777' and a member of staff will select 5 winners every week! For example, you could submit an epic stack you got at hills or an amazing FP where some crazy shit happened, or a crazy drop on a crazy kc! A video will be released every Sunday with the 5 winners! The clips sent in must be from that week - so this week's entries have until 03-05-2024 to send me your best clips, if you can't find me on discord pm me ingame! 'U96' YOU CAN SUBMIT YOUR TOP 5 MOMENTS IN APEX CC! https://discord.gg/AyD7mZda The Prize Pool is as follows: 1st - 600k 2nd - 400k 3rd - 250k 4th - 150k 5th - 100k
  11. My personal feedback on staff members I have had experiences with: ISAMI/4OAK/AGSWARRIOR/AXE/ATTACK PK/L - BASICALLY THE WHOLE HELPER team is always willing to stop what they're doing to assist other players. They don't get tired of stupid questions and never show any disrespect or irritation towards players! Also want to say Smoothie is super cool in his role and all the mod + are excellent at responding to reports, they've saved a VoidWaker on my team and prevented multiple scams! Thank you so much.
  12. U96


    For anyone who does not have the link to Apex CC: Here is the invite - https://discord.gg/K9dGTW5J We have all the perks and are building together as a team
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