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Posts posted by Niye

  1. On 4/17/2022 at 9:44 PM, Chef said:

    Well at first I feel like saying that staff isn't that good on enough to acquire their position, some of them been so degrading to others and especially to me during the circumstances i've been struggling on this rsps to get my position to be a fairly server support, i know not why i did not receive my rank after i tried everything in my power to achieve it. it seems like that these decisions are made upon a biased judgement. it's completely isn't fair to someone who does their best to make it happen and a random person gets it with even barely trying. according to my knowledge that some of the position holders are faking it till they are making it, which is completely not who i really am. I tried my best to keep it real but there was no reward eventually no matter what i did.

    you  need to donate to be a server support/staff 

    look at (baz,valence) they donated for mod

  2. On 12/20/2021 at 8:24 AM, Yoobs da king said:

    Hope you guys enjoy same copy paste event code with a simple area change + NPC ID change with recolor'd boxes with a miniature version of the NPC's that gretar took a picture of from 13 Ft away from his monitor, back against a mud wall built with the upmost hefty goat shat available in Tel Aviv.


    Makes $50,000+ a year from RoatPKZ can't even give us an actual quest line for an event. (We can still have boring ass grinding for tokens but add something else ya hoodlum)

    hahah yoobs da boss miss u baby

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