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-Jay- last won the day on November 28 2023

-Jay- had the most liked content!

About -Jay-

Roat Pkz Information

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-Jay-'s Achievements


Enthusiast (6/14)

  • One Year In
  • Reacting Well Rare
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  1. Well said best asian pker ever
  2. 2024 Sinister still carrying.
  3. Not sure how Tr1pper didnt get 2nd or 3rd ngl. Congratulations to people who placed though
  4. Try deleting it and redownloading following this guide.
  5. Yo, welcome to Roatpkz.
  6. Hello, Join the discord @ discord.gg/Roatpkz or ::discord in-game. Open a #support-ticket select option "Account recovery".
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