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Fruitiest last won the day on May 8 2023

Fruitiest had the most liked content!

About Fruitiest

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  1. Hello fellow members of the Roat Pkz community. The members of the Roat Pkz Staff Team would appreciate constructive criticism, preferably in-depth, as well as opinions on their contributions as a member of the staff team from the player's perspective. This will be a monthly announcement topic in order to stay up to date. Please ensure that you are being honest in your input, as this is to help the staff team provide better service and assistance to the members of the Roat Pkz community. The current staff team members are listed below for convenience. Note: Playtime is from the last 30 days. The ⭐ refers to most hours active. Owner(s) GRETAR - Playtime: NaN HEMMI80 - Playtime: NaN Senior Administrators(s) ⭐ SMACKD -> 9 HRS [87 AFK] Administrator(s) RAG BOT V1 -> 13 HRS [96 AFK] ⭐ VALENCE -> 19 HRS [212 AFK] Community Manager(s) ⭐ SMOOTHIE -> 94 HRS [165 AFK] Senior Moderator(s) ⭐ FRUITIEST -> 25 HRS [65 AFK] NO NAME SET -> 4 HRS [18 AFK] Moderator(s) FUN TIME -> 37 HRS [64 AFK] ⭐ MAMBERROI JR -> 83 HRS [17 AFK] Senior Server Support(s) NECROFEAR PB -> 50 HRS [25 AFK] JAY -> 159 HRS [179 AFK] CRAIG -> 53 HRS [39 AFK] ⭐ REAL DOZARD -> 168 HRS [106 AFK] Server Support(s) L -> 38 HRS [663 AFK] HUNNETSVILLE -> 23 HRS [428 AFK] OX80 -> 97 HRS [56 AFK] ATTACK PK -> 66 HRS [240 AFK] ⭐ 4OAK -> 246 HRS [111 AFK] ISAMI2011 -> 65 HRS [66 AFK] A PIXEL -> 1 HRS [0 AFK] HEFNER -> 105 HRS [133 AFK] Resignations: Agswarrior42 Axe __ Please note that all feedback should be honest and constructive criticism. All negative and inappropriate comments such as trolling, spam, or unnecessary flame, will be removed. Suggestions for current staff members, and even suggestions for potentially new staff members are welcome, but must have valid, well explained reasons alongside the suggestion. ~ Roat Pkz Staff Team
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