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Everything posted by Dodo

  1. Korasi is the last thing this server needs.
  2. I had to get 18 deaths before I even got added to HS. Systems weird.
  3. Pking has been so dead, so i got bored and bought 540 votes and turned them into vote packages. Heres the results. NOTE: Don't waste 140k on votes.
  4. Clan closed within 3 hours. Simple.
  5. No clan activity, plus nobody would recruit you.
  6. I will once I get home lmao. This time don't go ghost after the first round.
  7. Lmao I made you go afk on oss, osrune, and all the other places you invited me to step up at. Now you're starting to let your ego get ahead of yourself, you're starting to sound a lot like Jtir. Relax bud
  8. Stop acting like you're anything more than a box/rag slave. Fix up unemployed turkey and the the fact your response to "action" is a Rspspk video lmao half your brain is dead fam
  9. #CTC GF 3-0 SRI with you guys yesterday. Was nice having some team action without tb's and overhauls @MB
  10. Dodo


    Why make a quit thread then start pking on the account "mutate" nice stunt
  11. Mans crying about times he SCAMMED. And he's calling Zoradz a snake, when he's the one scamming some dude lmfao. Literally a braindead moron.
  12. That's ASAP Rocky - Palace how can you forget homie?
  13. I mean sure, put in your own highlights. Yeah you overall won that session, but you failed to put any of the near deaths you had too. But I guess if that's what you gotta do, do you.
  14. There's 2 people fighting. When ones switching the other ones hitting. Use your brain please :-) Triggered
  15. Awkward when you speed up the clips each time you switch gear to make it look like you switch faster lol. Pretty obvious especially when the characters are hitting at a faster pace when you switch lmao. Other than that. Coolio. 😂😂
  16. you're retarded. lmao, they'll still die regardless. can't tab when you're tbed :-) welcome to pking downer.
  17. lmfao actually i just ns @::funpk on alts stop acting like constantly there i go there on an alt to rag your rat ass. and you say theres something bad about being in Lavish? you're a funpk pker. You have no right to even speak especially to anybody that actually steps inside the wilderness. And i can't remember the last time i honestly even went on a team trip. so me "camping behind my team" is just a load of bullshit. and im talking about how you're going to be embarassed when the staff members prove you wrong. the only +1 you'll ever get is your extra chromosome. And just because you twisted gretars words around, and don't fully understand the english language. doesn't mean Gretar said it was fake. It says his system THINKS its fake.
  18. So because Gretars system THINKS it isn't legit, means it isn't? Its because of his kill to death ratio guidance system. If you have 1 death like i do, you wouldn't be listed. if you look at most of the listed kdr's you rarely see an account with less than 16 deaths listed because you need a certain amount of deaths to be ranked on highscores. ALSO if gretar thought i farmed or my killstreak wasn't legit, I would have been given a black mark, or would have my kills reset or would have been given some further consequence. With all that being said, if Gretar says my killstreak/account isn't legit. Why haven't i been banned yet? Just because you die 24/7 and i don't, doesn't mean im not legit. It just means I'm better than you. Stick to ::funpk slave p.s. thanks for giving me a shoutout, greatly appreciated bud @Gretar @Zoradz @Smackd shut this kid up please lmao.
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