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PK Guy

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Posts posted by PK Guy

  1. 19 hours ago, O n i b l a said:

    edge pking isnt for noobs, not everyone wanna have a endless prayer switching and brew fight.

    its basicaly free.. it cost you BARELY anything, there is no profit on kills wearing max str (with out vesta or bandos)
    my point is these items are too cheap , there is no profit in pking in edge.
    average kil is 50 pkp per kill  which is bare to 0.

    Same with hybriding in welfare/suiciders.

    It's not really about profit, that's what risk zone is for, or possibly deeper wild. Supposed to be for fun first. You want to whack welfarers and then complain you're not making money from them, stick on risk-defence and fight people in better gear only.

    Forcing people to risk more by upping prices leads to either even weaker welfarers (full rune with d scimi??) or makes for boring pking (using a 5-10k set but eating at 85+ hp and then tabbing). 

    • Upvote 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Garrix said:

    imagine hopping on a game and your primary objective is to try to point out errors someone might make....honestly bro the fuck are you even doing with your life if that's what your mentality is 

    Sounds like blackmail to me... ☻

  3. Wow nice story, sounds like a good way to kill 10mins. I hope you got everything off your chest here before your mute expired. 

    P.S. Re-read: Rule #4 - excessive usage is punishable, although insults are generally allowed, it's best not to get too crazy. Be the bigger man and don't get triggered so easily. 

  4. 6 hours ago, Winter said:

    no hate on you but it's a pk server. These cosmetic capes are useless and designed to draw people away from the wilderness lol

    Most achievements are based in the Wilderness though, and sometimes the PvM or skilling grind is a welcome break from PK'ing,  without having to log off and play something else. This suggestion just gives people motivation to reach an end goal. 

    The genius of skill/achievement capes in RS was that it pushed many players into grinding for many, many hours to obtain a cape, pretty much for status symbol (there are capes with equivalent or better stats that are obtained much faster). So a noob could have most skills in say level 50s or 60s, but 99 cooking lol. Gaming is about getting players hooked, to keep them playing, as long as possible.  Long term rewards that can be used as show-off items fit this idea.

  5. Didn't show the trading? Got to be really fast to get it done though. But you can really transfer item(s) away while at 0 HP to avoid losing?

    By the way, on short clips you can add .gif on the end of the link to embed it like so:


    Doesn't work for clips longer than, idk... 10 sec? Because Gyazo makes them into mp4, basically videos

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