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Everything posted by zxcv4321

  1. agreed with all you are very smart guy
  2. first 1 was good next 3 way too screamo
  3. the 2 main clips that played out aren't sped up
  4. zxcv4321

    Roat is dying

    also the way to get more players is to attract clans. there are plenty of no name wannabes that literally flock to whatever server has the most clans pking on it at that time. if you somehow manage to attract two clans to this server along with those two clans you'll get 20 more retards who are intent on following them around either fanboying their thread topics or ragging them at easts in black d hide.
  5. zxcv4321

    Roat is dying

    - remove ::brid replace with wests, no ragging/tbing for 1.5 map diameters around tele spot - double pkp earned at easts/44s/mb - remove all donar only items replace with wildy drops - have staff host server wide events to promote activity (multi wars, hp events, highest dds spec at easts no tbing, 1k pkp item to winner) - eco dumps, lots of way to do this ways ive seen are lotteries that are rigged so a hidden account wins a large amount of pkp which is then put out of the economy, staff dicing all profits are kept in admin banks where they can't be re-added into eco or tbh a plain old eco reset wouldn't hurt at this point considering the fact that some people have 1.2M pkp and an ah set costs 50. that would get the server moving in the right direction
  6. the topic went up literally an hour ago what u on about?
  7. why do ppl like you and alsk move your cursor like you're having a constant seizure nice vid tho
  8. gretar still got money off you I would say mission accomplished.
  9. Lol keep believing what you want, the server had its peak and then it slumped back down to normal activity. It is in no way dying, people say servers are dying every day on every rsps server. Not everyone likes to stay on one server all summer, people hop servers, clans hop servers. I was still in school when the clans were active so maybe I'm missing something but I am 100% sure removing ragging from certain spots is not what 'killed' the server. I doubt the clans that were active on roatz were even real clans it was probably just a bunch of people who got together in a CC and ran around easts. What do you mean you can't do anything about someone being a spastic? If they're being a spastic (not even sure what you mean by spastic) then just fucking kill them. If they're at easts TB them and kill them, why do you have to resort to ragging as soon as you disagree with someone? That's just poor character form imo not a server flaw.
  10. Because oss-pvp and rune were released which have a stable eco and 3-4 active clans.
  11. There is a very small minority of people who quit because ragging isn't allowed. If anything more people quit because they are being ragged. And no, it has nothing to do with ragging but you brought up the server is dying because ragging wasn't allowed and I corrected you and told you why it was actually dying, two reasons why actually.
  12. Server is dying because someone new starts the server spawns a mystic set goes to ::brid or even edge looking for a hybrid fight and comes face to face with lavish retards in absolute max + unobtainable (for non donars) items. They instantly are attacked for a few kill for their precious kill streak. The veteran player camps 100+ hp while the newer player gets hit constant 30+s because of the gear disadvantage, this happens a few times and the new player eventually quits. I've actually seen it happen at least 10 times in the past 2 weeks. That along with the fact that veterans are quitting because it's really no fun to play a semi-spawn semi-eco server and are moving to full ecos like pvp-oss or even osrs.
  13. holy shit ixkarim is playing roatpkz what the fuck
  14. easter eggs? some1 wanna checkbank on lavish members see those 20k easter eggs from the dupe sesh 2 years ago please?
  15. wildy is dead because the instant some1 doesn't wanna fight you you can say "stop ragging me" and they either have to get off or get jailed lmfao.
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