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Everything posted by zxcv4321

  1. arent u the retard that afk'd at easts and died?
  2. recording? camtasia or fraps.
  3. legit trying to figure out which one is the biggest retard but they all have such bad qualities it's hard to make a decision
  4. did this retard actually not tank more than 5 lvls before dying holy shit thats actually worse than i expected
  5. " i was afk for like 30 minutes there went to the shop and forgot my account was there " its kinda hard to read your retarded english but the jist of that is you left your account at easts while you went afk, you fucking retard.
  6. who the fuck afks at easts how fucking dumb can you get
  7. I don't know why arcane, ely and spectral along with the chaotics are still donar only. It's mind boggling to me that people complain about no clan activity and no activity at easts when three of the best shields in the game aren't available to the entire community. In my opinion donators shouldn't have specific items only they can use that give better bonuses than other items. If you look at some of the most popular servers out right now, they are all economy based, every item in the game is available to donators and non-donators alike. Remove arcane/ely/spec and chaotics from donator shop and make them drop from a monster in the wilderness. To keep some incentive to donate add those monsters to the donator zone as well so donators can kill them free of risk, or if you want to go full TRPK greed make it so people can pvm for arcane/ely/spectral but also donate $ for it as well. As of right now if a new team came to roatpkz and found out that they could only get certain essential items by donating I guarantee you they would move onto the next server, it's not worth their time to be fighting at a disadvantage that can only be leveled by donating. As for the earth/fire/water capes, I don't mind those as much but imo any donar only item is game ruining and should just be removed.
  8. Ingame name: zxcv4321How long have you been playing?: ~3 yearsCan anyone verify how long you have been playing? (3 years +): jake (kih fan), not many ppl i talked to back then still play, shihao but he got banned, ignorance but he quit a long time ago, that retard ddoser i forget his name i think it was codie, brian f34r xero all quit. used to talk to more peple on the acc i played on back then pu1292011
  9. What do you mean there are zero cool donar features? They have two of the most overpowered shields in the game free to them.
  10. this is 2010 all over again with the new accounts ever 3 days jeez
  11. the fuck you talking about retard, osrune has that many players because it's clan friendly so it immediately inherited all the RSPS clans that hopped over from os-pvp because it was more of a pure eco. BBB, FF, Gundrilla the 3 main ones, there are also other ones I think, Reckless, FS, Submission? Idk i havent been part of the clanning community for 3 years now but I can guarantee you for the past 6 years any RSPS that was clan friendly and was a pure eco jumped up 50-60 hybrids due to clan activity. you should honestly be thanking your lucky stars this server doesn't attract clans, it's the only way your shit-stain of a team has managed to claim it's still open for this long. honestly it's the only reason you are able to pk anywhere except ::brid, and i'm fairly confident you would still be dumb enough to get lured to the back of ::brid and tb'd and spec traded before you could tank 5 catches because you're that fucking shit.
  12. thx man, took a long time to edit that whole video and it got tons of hate just because of the team name, appreciate the love
  13. Depending on how many songs you want and how long the vid is we can talk about price. I've been editing for about 3 years now mostly on 614 based servers but had alot of experience editing on 317s like roat. I'll only edit your clips if they are above 25 fps (if you don't know what that is google it, if you use camtasia studio the preset is above 25 I think). pm me in-game to discuss prices and stuff zxcv4321, ill post some of the videos ive edited in the past so you can see if you like it. Videos take anywhere from 1-5 days depending how long they are and how busy I am First video I edit will be for just a donar ticket or whatever it's called also if the staff likes my trailers I can make a promo for the server for the home page for youtuber rank/my channel in description, pm me if ur interested. FF pk video #1 (1.7k views + video editing contest winner) FF pk video #1 trailer john wall pk video #1 trailer roatpkz edit
  14. how is lavish even a thing theyre the most clueless group of retards ive ever seen, and thats in the roatpkz community where 90% of the community has a mental disorder
  15. why u bring 4 brews to ::brid
  16. this is probably the most unwelcoming server for bringing new clans in, the clan scene is going to stay the same way it has stayed forever, dead
  17. idk who king lee is but i didnt really use that many effects there are editors out there who use way more blur and glow to the point where you can't see anything
  18. Sony Vegas 12.0 w/ Twixtor/Sapphire/New Blue plug-ins
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