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Everything posted by repent

  1. repent


    Isn't bidum an Arabic holiday???
  2. I like watching rockshift and Chris flame because they're both from Estonia and it reminds of like two homeless people fighting irl
  3. repent


    i was thinking it would be a good idea to make a cc that you force-enter on creation of a new acc maybe just a cc named "roatpkz"
  4. ur the absolute worse pker ive ever seen you fucking reject nice d sq as a main shield you idiot. also your fingernails are fucking 10 feet long each but you dont cut them because you eat them
  5. http://prntscr.com/9wyn2l twtf !!! it not WORKING !!!!
  6. remember when he was at easts this was like his third or fourth time dying (in a row) and we tbed him and he was tanking mage with k top tassies and d sq l0l
  7. no ahmash u got it all wrong grimreapers is janitors - jdrc01 - futures
  8. yh well it was a personal ddos because when i did login which was like 2 mins later there was still a high player online count and nobody else dced
  9. I rejects were getting on alt accs "savior-nose" "nose1st" and we're dding on my fights saying (I dced that fight as well)
  10. sorry for no cursor im trying a new screen recorder and forgot to turn on the setting for it
  11. Yh but u don't care who's watching
  12. Did you tell your mother the same thing with her missing eye bro? Also how can u flame me when u sit at home sucking on your toes and eating your ear wax idiot
  13. Oo another comment about my irl nice. no matter who u mate with ur son will always be dirt brown
  14. repent


    Tbh idk why arun is trying to talk about us as a clan when he doesn't know us as a clan. I mean it's not like he has the mindset to think that perhaps (GOD FORBID) someone knows a lot more about something else than he does, but in actuality we do. We're a team of friends who share the common agreement of ragging being cancerous, who know how to pk and what to exactly do when we do pk, etc. it's not like we're like your team who just sits around getting ready to drop out of school for roatpkz and ragging and trying to prove a point on an rsps with people who are irrelevant to your actual life. Also, yes we do that as well but it's not nearly as extensive and desperate as your cause is, all of us spend a max of 2-4 hours a day playing this (if we play that day) and whenever we do we usually just mind our own business unless there are multiple if us on. Now, with you guys, you intentionally feel the need to follow us around all game and just try to prove you're better thanks us or something then when we prove you wrong you just do it again and again and again
  15. repent


    Roatpkz episode of pretty little liars
  16. repent


    Couldn't have said it myself also Ahmash I was never brainwashed when me and you were friends it was like 2013 and I never had gotten "brainwashed", if anything I was just influenced because in 2014 when I started exiled there was a lot of flaming and learning going on for me in those few months and when I came back to roat I knew a lot more than 90% of roatpkz players so everything they'd say (including you) would just sound like irrelevant garbage
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