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Everything posted by tempat

  1. or make one roatpkz channel and let ppl send vids to u and upload them on that channel. this way no one can viewbot and its easier to find roatpkz videos just a thought
  2. and once again, THATS NOT ME never forget i don die, i wont play either until i get unbanned so if u want ur revenge get smackd or jblind to unban me
  3. that was a half tb wym tb abuse? gmauling a 22 is pretty broken yh brodar u arent fooling anyone spy on that shit team before its too late me reading the forums bout how u guys are "dominating" the wildy aftzr banning me, makes me wanna close spartans fot the second time
  4. ??? the time u died on a half, u want me to post the link or? gorillas exposed ur skype chat when merked died for max to us, causing merked having beef with khalil and smokey had to cool merked down. we know bout everything wht happening in ur clown ass clan we did that to you btw -keytracker quickly refresh ur memory now fix up before i decide to come back and introduce u lot to the 2nd closure of spartans this is keytracker from dt
  5. u clown ass died on a half at gorillas 4 times for max we CAUSED the beef in ur clan FACTS merked got kicked because of us jetpack tanker
  6. if half of ur memberlist is banned whyd u still play this and even advertise it godbless
  7. sophia dying nothing new mac ban on this server us shit u can avoud in 2 mins tell gretar to fix tht
  8. x.d sure thats why u guys tried to search for a reason to ban the undefeatable keytracker. pls dont say no one is scared of gunit when we legit killed ur whole memberlist brodarrr but i respectering ur decision brodar peace
  9. if i get unbanned some day who knows keytracker and his g unit gang will be playing again and doing some pkering. seen that spartan has gotten some ego by the ban of keytracker. giving them confidence to pk in max ps: that video on "me" was faked none of these g unit account were used for a long time if i come back hopfully spartans will finally kill me(jk i dont die)
  10. both are shit #g unit up on both teams -keytracker
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