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x2 experience ring

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sup boys! I got a cool suggestion! since skilling is hard in roat pkz I recommend you guys to make an untradeable ring that gives double xp rate for all skills example: like if u have a slayer task when u kill a npc u will get double xp like if the npc gives you 300 xp u will get 600xp and it will be able for every skill in the game.!

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  • JBLIND locked this topic

I'm not against the idea of having some sort of XP boost for skilling, though it'd have to be a temporary one such as the current 1-hour droprate boost. Maybe add it as a reward to Voting so people can pick between XP and droprate boosts.

Skilling is still fairly new on Roat Pkz and there are still some skills missing. Maybe someday when the rest of the skills have been added this will be a possibility. 😄 

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