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Everything posted by Zoradz

  1. I have noticed a lot of you seem to be unhappy with the state of the rule. I am offering you players to have the ability to change the rule to a more suitable style. Please list your suggestions. If you like someone's suggestion please like it instead of quoting them. Please keep in mind certain areas like edge where most of our new players venture to, and meth where most people go to high risk. Any unnecessary posts will be dealt with accordingly, this is your only warning.
  2. Nice idea. What would you suggest adding into the BH shop?
  3. I told Gretar a month ago I wouldn't start putting my head down until this week due to work finishing. Already in the past 2 days I've done almost 18 hours towards this server with releases hopefully for next week. Stop whinging and grow up. Also, since I've been here this is like the third time you've quit. Cya soon.
  4. Wats canada craig you're from Mexico shut up
  5. I agree with you that our SS's need more of a back bone now that Smackd has been promoted. I have a few older players in mind that I'm sure you'll all agree with.
  6. SS are not staff, they are there to help keep the peace. If anything, we need more moderators. I do not see any reason for giving SS such power. A 24 hour mute could suffice.
  7. Would you like a certain staff member constantly giving you more than 15 ores? Didn't think so.
  8. SS should be able to get a max of 15 ores and a jail of 10 minutes.
  9. Eco server could work in the future once we build on the base for the current server. Once we have steady population flow we'll look into it.
  10. Closing this until I have updates. Stay tuned.
  11. I'll be around still, just choosing to ignore most reports. I think I'm active enough.
  12. I'm leaving my job next week and have a lot of free time coming up as I'm going back to studying another degree, so they should be steady updates. I work in software development lol There will only be a few released at this stage. You'll have to wait and see. All bosses will be in deep multi wildy, this is to help bring life back to deep wildy pking.
  13. Hello players, As some of you may have heard, I have been promoted to Developer. With that, I'll be updating this thread with current things I'll be working on to give you an idea of what we're up to. Updated 7/8/16 Updated cache to current OSRS to #117 Added new wildy bosses Correcting animations for bosses Correcting GFX for boss hits. Correcting GFX for current items (sotd, elysian, acb etc) Added ALL new OSRS items (only some will be released) Correct animations for new items Correct GFX for new items New maps Adding drops for bosses and correcting their position and movements. Boss combat script is 75% done. Quick Prayers Zoom feature in client has been written, just not added. Small list for the moment, but some exciting stuff to come- Not much left until testing begins. This will be updated regularly. Thanks all. UPDATE: Due to fracturing my C3 Vertebrae after falling off my Vrod, all updates and my Roatpkz staff position will be put on hold whilst I'm resting - As anyone who has broken a vertebrae would know the rest and recovery period can be quite extensive, a long with rehabilitation. Currently I'm about 2 weeks in and only just getting out of bed and becoming somewhat mobile. Hopefully see you all soon. xoxo
  14. Zoradz


    Maybe we'll do that with elite void.
  15. Gretar doesn't even know how to play runescape hahahaha
  16. The current ragging rule was from Gretar and myself anyway. Stijin is #1 ragger anyway. If anyone has a more suitable idea for the ragging rule, I'll be happy to take it into consideration.
  17. If you have engaged with a player, you cannot just say "ragger off" once you have been tb'd/out of food/don't want to fight anymore. We can easily look into this. Hence why a decent amount of video evidence is needed, or staff look at it ingame. This prevents abusing the rule. I have no problem with light ragging at easts, in fact, I tend to ignore most east raggers unless it becomes a problem. My opinion is that you enter the wilderness at your own risk, as it's a free for all area anyone may wish to attack you using any way possible to kill you.
  18. This thread really sums up our community. Goodjob.
  19. Cool, but next time post in the correct section, thanks.
  20. I'll be honest, I didn't think it through, it was an idea I threw up without the little bits defined. However, with the new clan chat I'm sure we could implement a clan system with clan tags or something along the lines of. Zoradz new dev
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