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Everything posted by rawrdatank

  1. i know just commented cause im not even on the list rip lol
  2. why not me im always online and help alot of new people just dont advertise it in yell like most.. FeelsBadMan
  3. and putting every single item in the pk shop is not making the game pay 2 win?
  4. ok this is totally BS and i have to say something about it. STOP RUINING THE GAME! instead of putting every fucking thing we have left in the pk shops and ruining the pk experience for us why dont you start by adding stuff to the donor shop wich at this moment is fucking useless aswell as the donor status add a 5-10-20k pk cape that is better then the 1k since you fucked this up aswell and has now become a meaningless achievement aswell why remove them from edgeville? its fucking stupid and i have never heard anyone complain about a fucking pkers cape finally do something with the master zone wich has been useless aswell since forever oh and ofcourse thanks alot for yet again improving teams chances to rip someone for there banks more efficiently thats just what we needed especially now the gmaul wich was basically the only shot of succeeding to kill one of these arcane full max def bonus serp weilding assholes stop removing shit to pk shops #roatzforf2p2017
  5. read my earlier topic i gave my opinion on there
  6. its awsome man i've been listening to it non stop for a while and although i agree it not as flex as forrest hill drive this album has a whole story following up with all the songs cole is a true poet and hes proved that once again dont listen to the mainstream ppl who say its boring and a snoozefest ps: favorites are immortal , deja vu and change
  7. http://imgur.com/a/AMXa7
  8. rawrdatank

    My birthday

    happy birthday man!
  9. i fully support dicing aslong as it has a system that lets the item selfhold until the winner is known then it would automatically be transferred to the winner like a chest or something can't trust mm's here
  10. I get where u are coming from and you're right but on the other hand i still think its retarded that people with 1-2k bank put everything in there just so a guy with a 50m bank and tons of customs can swipe it away right infront of their nose? they either need to make the lottery completely random no matter what u put in it or they just need to add a max amount every player can add lets say for example the max pkp 1 player could enter would be 5k that would highly reduce the chances for the rich players and the poor ones would still have a pretty good chance of winning. and i highly doubt people who can add 1million pk points into the chest knowing there is still a 5% chance to lose would cry about losing 5k.
  11. As everyone might have noticed the lottery does NOT work properly and it isn't random at all. As i look at it right now the only thing that happens is the player that has put in the most pkp wins 100% every time wich basically means if there is a pot of 50k pkp and someone puts in 100k pkp extra in the last minute that person will win the 150k pkp pot so all you guys did was make a 100% guaranteed money making method for players who are already rich as fk. good job..
  12. congratulations my friend! you are coming close to surpassing me
  13. omg i shat myself till i read the date
  14. just random screenshots i found in an old file idk why i just felt like showing them to you guys enjoy http://imgur.com/a/twN60 . . . . . http://imgur.com/a/flTdn
  15. tried and failed i even permanently deleted all from the thrashcan permanently and redownloaded it still the same screen i don't think i do no i mean the megasync program works its just the roatz file/client itself
  16. nope downloaded, registered, and installed it wont work and for probably the same reason my client wont open my webclient wont pop up either it freezes aswell still thanks man guess ill just wait it out for now
  17. yeah i know man i mean it happened to me in the past that i tried fixing it like this aswell and nothing happened but then when i checked like 1or2 days later i was able to play again however in this case i've been trying for like a 1 or 2 weeks+ already so i find it kinda odd tbh but yes if nothing works i hope it will just fix itself eventually thanks mate
  18. so lately havent been active but i recently tried to get back on roatz for once and nothing would work http://imgur.com/LMpfO8V i keep getting this no matter what i do and no its not a matter of patience or something like that ive let this run and stay open for hours or even days at a time and nothing happened so i tried everything i could re-downloaded / re-installed my java re-downloaded / re-installed my client i downloaded it as a jar/zip/exe file and still nothing i have no idea how or what is causing this help me out lads
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