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PK Guy

Royal Donator
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Status Updates posted by PK Guy

  1. hi

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PK Guy

      PK Guy

      ...............................I'm clean, didn't play for a month. Lend me your bank I'll triple it by tomorrow

    3. Sandal
    4. Mike
    88888888ba         db   888888888888  
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    88aaaaaa8P'     d8'  `8b     88       
    88""""88'      d8YaaaaY8b    88       
    88    `8b     d8""""""""8b   88       
    88     `8b   d8'        `8b  88       
    88      `8b d8'          `8b 88   
    1. Ungrateful


      Hey bro come back I miss u 💙💛💜💚💗

    2. Tesfxye


      He's on his xex account 

  3. Re: Newest A7E

    Today... after 3 hours wasted NS'ing a guy... turns out he was Muslim and now we are mates!!


    Believe! :) 

  4. GZ on joining a non-PVP clan on a PKing server mate! GL with whatever you guys will do together, there's so many activities outside of PVP - like you could play "I Spy" or something LOL :kappa:

    1. Ahmash


      we can do chaos ele mass, giveaways, gambling, hide and seek, i and spy

      also im already in 3 pvp clans

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