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Posts posted by mauloffro

  1. 16 hours ago, Ellinor said:

    not to mention the milestone achievements lack incentive, when anything worth anything in the shop costs 1k+ donator points while the rewards only give bonuses in the double digits, and most people donating for top pkp value dont donate for the points or the boxes


    how are you not legendary with that much donated? 

    Honestly. You need to actually donate for the “legendary” status itself. Not to mention upgrading from each level ( donor, sup donor, extreme donor legendary donor) doesn’t stack. A regular player whom is non donor can pay $170 for legendary and an extreme donor who’s potentially paid $170 assuming he’s bought donor, super then extreme could of payed the same price and still be an extreme donor. It’s not fair. Why should I have to pay over $350 to have legendary status when a new player could join today and pay about half the price and be a higher rank? No respect for the vets. @Gretar@Fantastic@PK Guy@JBLIND

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  2. Greetings, hope everyone’s day is well. I’d like to get straight into an issue I assumed was going to be fixed years ago, donation reward claims. I understand 80% of the donation system is automatic and usually instant but unfortunately it lacks in granting major milestones that are reached by multiple people daily. For instance, when I reached the $1000 milestone for donating it took multiple days, nearly a week to get my custom reward. Now I’m at the $1500 milestone and the same issue is occurring. It took you guys seconds to confirm and deduct those hundreds, now thousands of dollars from me. I feel almost disrespected in a sense that I’ve forked over so much money and have to wait in order to “celebrate” my milestone achievement when it’s convenient for the staff.  I feel their is a huge disconnection between the development team and it’s donors. We are customers that help keep this server online and should be treated priority when donating hard earned money. I come home from work late every night, I work 6 days a week, 65 hours. I don’t have time to be sitting at my desk hoping the right staff member is on/“not busy” in order to get what I paid for. 

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  3. Hi, I have an issue I donated to the wrong account instead of mauloffro I donated to maul0ffro ( has a zero in "of") Someone please help me. Both accounts are mine I just made the one I donated to literally like 5 years ago and have no clue what the password is. 

  4. Sometime during yesterday my account was logged into and "hacked" i wouldn't even call it hacked, they took 12,000pkp like what.. A forums post was also made from my account saying i sold 1.1mil pkp for oldschool currency, that is fake news. Im guessing they wanted to get me ip banned before i had a chance to notice anything. Anyway how can i further secure my account to prevent these types of actions? 

    Thanks for not banning me as well.

  5. I was approached in game by Jblind regarding a hacking complaint and was told the username of the suspected hacker was almost exactly the same as mine. About 30 minutes ago ekaya04 who is the "victim" messages me saying what any other mad hacked person would say (very mean things). I did not hack anyone. Id assume this is a easy bust by seeing who he traded and what the I.P of the person whom he traded is. Thanks, braiden czumaj. @Gretar@Zoradz@Smackd@JBLIND™

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  6. 6 minutes ago, JBLIND™ said:

    Custom at 1k, custom at 2k, custom yell tag at 2.5k, Gold/Adze/Candy Cane at 3k, custom zone at 3.5k and if you do get to 5k pretty sure you can make a brand new custom that you wanna make. It's fine atm 

    Lend me 5k irl please. 

  7. I feel the custom reward granted at $1000 dollars donated is great idea to collect money for server benifets... but why should it start or stop there? Rewarding people upon reaching milestones such as $500, $750, and even past the thousand mark is a great sales tactic to "reel" in donations and in all is a lot more motivational rather than a server message telling you how far from the $1000 mark you are. I myself am unsure of what should be rewarded at these milestones but for economic reasons I'd suggest plain PKP. Thanks! Braiden czumaj (mauloffro) @Gretar @Smackd

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