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Everything posted by Dr4g0nb0ys0n

  1. LOL featuring the runin clip, man kills someone for spawnables while we kill em for max but 2-0 init OT: nice video
  2. what team is this? lol never seen u guys but gj on the kills on spartans (Read spartans recruitment topic bloodhound is on their ml lol)
  3. The whole topic wasnt on spartans, it was a dayout FT spartan kills (im not counting jake as a spartan kill as he wasnt in the team back then) but when we have living proof of chat that domo saying hes in spartans, same for MEEKO then im gonna count scores
  4. What??? LOL ur so dumb holy fuck why did omar even consider u
  5. yeah cause applejuice24 isnt a bait acc or anything dumbass LOL
  6. pkmafia ur teams dead n irrelevant anyway lol just let the teams that actually pk post
  7. Well @salad posted a update, saying this weekend so hopefully itl be this weekend
  8. pretty sure it was hes ragger when hes friend got tbed LOL ask whoever is staff 2 check ips guy, we up and will stay up
  9. UPDATED A SPARTANS KILL alot of spies my friend.. alot.
  10. just quick 1 day results init now lets have some fun, typical gay arab rng just 2 top it off a end spam that u guys are horrible hiders in prime timezones :l woteva tho actually lets edit shit, so i found this kp laying out from like 2 days ago (ur team is so dead that we legit forget the max kills we get on u) and check ur team spies lil guy -.- caught this nigga lackin and speaking to gorillas
  11. just thought id post my progress so far, just managed 2 get 99 range was a dumbass and didnt time it tho ;l woteva
  12. imagine getting so reduced that u forced 2 merge with gunit
  13. lol legit proving u never pked above 30 wildy in ur life -.- so cringe that u would even speak on this topic
  14. ur so weird l0l u got baited thats the embarrasing part
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